Why Does God Allow Suffering and Trials?
What are the purposes of suffering and trials? Why does God allow them? Those around us might tell us that suffering is pointless, that we should ignore it or rise above it, or perhaps even that karma is paying us back for a wrong we have committed. The Bible, though, gives a very different answer. Scripture clearly addresses suffering—both its presence and its purpose. (After all, no one suffered more than Christ, our Savior.) Its many examples of faithful men and women who encountered various trials demonstrate God’s hand at work throughout history and for His glory.
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The 5 Solas of the Reformation
The Reformers of the 16th century were moved to put their livelihoods, homes, fortunes, and lives on the line to restore the Church to the essential teachings of the Gospel. These core teachings have come down to us by five Latin phrases. Translated into English, they teach that salvation is according to Scripture alone, in Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone, for the glory of the God alone.
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These Truths Alone - A Study of the Five Solas of the Reformation
This month marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation—a pivotal point in church history when reformers like Martin Luther called the wandering sixteenth-century European church to return to the teachings of the Gospel.
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Sermons about the Wrath of God
In today’s world, we don’t discuss God’s wrath often. While many of us hold to the truth that God is loving and full of grace and mercy, it can be tempting to stop there, leaving us with an incomplete picture of God’s true character. In these sermons, Alistair Begg reminds us that while God is loving, He is also just, and there are consequences if we don't accept His Son as our Savior.
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The Reformation - How Did It Transform the Church?
When Martin Luther first proposed his Ninety-Five Theses in 1517, he wasn’t trying to be a revolutionary. 500 years later, though, we look back on that moment as the spark that ignited the Reformation. On that day, he kindled a passion for the Gospel that’s still burning bright throughout the world.
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What Does a Biblical Church Look Like?
The Reformers concluded from Scripture that a true church exists where the Word of God is rightly preached and the ordinances are rightly administered. In its assembly, the local church is made up of believers united to fulfill the work commissioned by Jesus: making disciples of all the nations.
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New From Sinclair Ferguson: "Devoted to God"
If we were to share our experiences as followers of Christ and students of the Bible, we would likely hear many different stories. The life change that has resulted from our conversions, however, would be remarkably similar, since the Holy Spirit fashions each one of us into the very likeness of Christ.
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How Does Sanctification Work?
Daniel’s devotion to God gives us all a high standard to aim for: total and unwavering faith. But how do we achieve that standard?
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Sermons about the Authority of the Bible
Some believe that the Bible is just a piece of literature to be read but to Christians, the Bible is God's Word. In these sermons, Alistair Begg examines why the Bible is important and reminds us that the Bible accomplishes its work in our lives as we trust in its authority as the inspired Word of God.
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How Do We Prepare for Christ's Return?
The book of Daniel teaches that at the end of days, Jesus will return, and judgment will follow. For many, this notion is increasingly counter-cultural. For some, it instigates conversations about Armageddon and the “signs of the times,” and can even spark endless debate. With such scattered focus, we can miss the main point of Scripture when it addresses the last days.
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