Featured Resource: "Hearing the Spirit" by Christopher Ash

The Bible is recognized as the world’s best-selling and most widely distributed book. Yet there are many who declare its contents outdated, and more still who question its very authority. How, and why, should a believer’s view differ?

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Why Attitude Matters in Marriage

Manufactured fairy tales with happy endings, newspaper headlines bearing bleak statistics, absurd magazine photo spreads of celebrity courtships—all compete for our attention. But none of these accurately portrays God’s lasting design for relationships and marriage. And the Bible gives very clear insight as to what marriage ought to be.

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Topics: Monthly Resources, Articles

Gain a deeper knowledge of the Holy Spirit

In his book Hearing the Spirit, author Christopher Ash explores God’s Word to help us better understand the Holy Spirit as a part of the Trinity. Gain a deeper knowledge of who the Holy Spirit is and learn the role He plays in the world and in the Church as told by the Gospel of John.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Download (Free) 4 Volume Set - “Guard the Truth” by Alistair Begg

Realizing that the end of his life and ministry were near, the Apostle Paul reached out to a young man named Timothy. The letter penned by Paul to a junior pastor focuses on the necessity of passing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the next generation of believers. These messages by Alistair Begg explore the final written words of the great apostle and how vitally important his instruction is for us today.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Sermons on Dealing with Persecution

"Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." - 2 Timothy 3:12 (ESV)

In 2 Timothy, Paul warns us that we will face persecution if we are following Christ. In these messages, Alistair Begg reminds us that we are to respond in a Christ-like manner, and that despite the trials of this world, Christ reigns on an eternal throne.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Download (Free) - “Here Is Your God”

In ancient days, when people created idols for themselves, God spoke through the prophet Isaiah to declare the futility of idol worship and to remind His people of His promised Messiah. Idolatry persists today, although our gods and idols tend to be subtler. Sometimes, even good things can siphon off the devotion that is solely due to God—but how do these idols measure up against the God of the Bible?

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Looking for a Gift For Someone on Your Christmas List?

This Christmas, explore the beauty found in the very first Christmas songs with Christmas Playlist by Alistair Begg! Dive deep into the rich lyrics of the very first Christmas songs sung by Mary, Zechariah, the Angles, and Simeon as they celebrate the birth of our Lord. Alistair Begg explores these beautiful songs and points us to the greatest gift of the season—the only One that can satisfy long after the holiday fades away.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Why Bother with the Bible?

Some people say that they can find God in Nature or through personal spiritual practices. Why bother with the Bible, then? Isn’t it just an archaic book that’s not relevant to our modern lives? In a day when so many claim to converse directly with God, is the Bible really needed?

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Download (Free) - “Thankful Living” by Alistair Begg

“God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.” This is a call and response that is familiar to many of us, but how often do we stop to consider what it really means that God is good even when our circumstances are difficult? Our lives should reflect our trust in the character of God as our actions and attitudes are characterized by genuine thankfulness.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Sermons on Jealousy

Jealousy can become consuming and eventually decimate friendships, dissolve romances, foster bitterness in a family, and wreak havoc on a team. In these sermons, Alistair Begg reminds us that jealousy must be brought before God in repentance.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

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