Light To My Path: Wallpaper
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." - Psalm 119:105
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Hymn: "I Look Not Back" by Annie Johnson Flint
I Look Not Back
By: Annie Johnson Flint
I look not back; God knows the fruitless efforts,
The wasted hours, the sinning, the regrets.
I leave them all with Him who blots the record,
And graciously forgives, and then forgets.
Topics: Hymns and Worship
Download (Free) 4 Volume Set - “Guard the Truth” by Alistair Begg
Realizing that the end of his life and ministry were near, the Apostle Paul reached out to a young man named Timothy. The letter penned by Paul to a junior pastor focuses on the necessity of passing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the next generation of believers. These messages by Alistair Begg explore the final written words of the great apostle and how vitally important his instruction is for us today.
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Honest And True: Wallpaper
"My soul, take heed that in everything you are honest and true, as in the sight of the heart-searching God." - C.H. Spurgeon
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Video: "A Word to Wives" by Alistair Begg
Men and women are equal in dignity as image-bearers and co-heirs with Christ, but different in function. Alistair Begg considers the place of submission in marriage, noting that God has given wives a clear command to submit to their husbands. Like every area of life, the marriage relationship is tainted by the consequences of sin, but Christ is exalted when husbands and wives live according to the pattern that God has provided in His Word.
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Thank You for Your Support in 2017!
Thank you for your generous 2017 year-end donation! Your faithful partnership makes it possible for Truth For Life to share the Gospel with men and women around the world without the barrier of cost.
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Because: Wallpaper
"Why do we believe what we believe about the person and work of Jesus? Because of what God's Word says." - Alistair Begg
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Video: "Marriage - An Introduction" By Alistair Begg
Culture’s departure from God’s design illustrates what has been true from the beginning: by nature, mankind is in rebellion against God. The institution of marriage is no exception. Alistair Begg reminds believers that God’s Word speaks with authority, infallibility, and sufficiency into our lives. If we are to grasp the profound mystery of Christ’s love for His Church and the implications for us, we must first think rightly about the divine nature of God’s Word.
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Sermons on Dealing with Persecution
"Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." - 2 Timothy 3:12 (ESV)
In 2 Timothy, Paul warns us that we will face persecution if we are following Christ. In these messages, Alistair Begg reminds us that we are to respond in a Christ-like manner, and that despite the trials of this world, Christ reigns on an eternal throne.
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Spoke Into Existence: Wallpaper
"The God who spoke the world into existence by a word;
He, stooping from His majesty, makes a covenant with you." - C.H. Spurgeon
Topics: Weekly Wallpaper
Video: "Lord in Your Mercy, Hear Our Prayer" by Alistair Begg
The end of one year and beginning a new one provides an opportunity to reflect on the passage of time. This reflection may be productive if we consider not only our own mortality, but the eternal and holy character of God. Alistair Begg considers Moses’ prayer in Psalm 90, noting that it is grounded in the reality that our sin places each of us under the wrath of God. By grace, because of Christ’s work, the God we have offended will Himself restore, satisfy, gladden, and favor His people.
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Listen to Alistair Begg on Amazon Alexa!
If you have an Amazon Alexa or Echo listening device, you can now ask Alexa to play Truth For Life! Simply say, “Alexa, ask Truth For Life to begin today’s program,” and you can hear Alistair at your convenience...on your own schedule.
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Alistair Begg Talks About Spurgeon's Impact on His Ministry
Nineteenth-century pastor Charles Spurgeon is known as the "Prince of Preachers." Having proclaimed the Gospel to more than 10 million people in his lifetime, his written sermons have offered spiritual insight and inspiration to millions more—including Alistair Begg—in the decades since.
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Happy New Year from Alistair Begg!
Happy New Year!
In chapter 5 of Ephesians, Paul encourages the believers in Ephesus to be filled with gratitude and to sing songs, “giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
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The Truth of Scripture