Did Jesus Pray for You?: A Brief Reflection on John 17:24
In his sermon “Jesus’ Own Desire,” Alistair purposefully paused to offer the opportunity for everyone to consider what it means to be “given” to Jesus.
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Five Surprising Truths About Christlike Joy
Knowing that after His imminent arrest, His disciples would soon scatter in fear, the Son of God prayed for their spiritual preservation, unity, and joy. In his sermon “The Keeping Power of God,” Alistair points out how God’s care for His children supersedes our greatest self-concerns. Not everyone experiences God’s blessings, though! The inexpressible joy of salvation can only be known by the truly penitent who rest entirely on Christ’s atoning work. In this brief excerpt, Alistair considers the uniqueness of the joy that Jesus yearns for His disciples to experience.
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The Testimony of a Disciple of Jesus
If Jesus offered to pray on your behalf, what would you ask Him to pray for? In His High Priestly Prayer in John 17, Jesus prayed for His disciples, distinguishing them from the world, declaring them to be agents of His glory, and asking the Father to keep them in His name. In the following excerpt from the sermon “‘I Am Praying for Them,’” Alistair reminds us what being a genuine disciple of Jesus entails.
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Do You See God’s Glory?
In His High Priestly Prayer, recorded in John 17, Jesus prayed for Himself and all His followers—including believers today. In the sermon “Before the World Existed,” Alistair Begg examines the eternal nature of Jesus’ request for glory and the victorious report He shared as He prayed to the Father. Because of His immense love for sinners, God the Father planned the work of salvation, God the Son accomplished it on the cross, and God the Spirit applies the reality of redemption to all who believe and trust in Christ. In the following excerpt, Alistair reminds us that these realities are folly until our eyes have been opened to behold God’s glory.
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Have You Seen the Dungeon Flamed with Light?
When the hour had come for the fulfillment of Jesus’ earthly ministry, He turned to God the Father in prayer. Alistair explores this pivotal historical moment by taking a closer look at what Jesus asked, the work He was assigned to do, and the way He assured believers of the nature of eternal life. While the world may view the cross of Christ as an emblem of defeat, Scripture reveals how it’s at Calvary that God’s ultimate power, love, mercy—and glory—were displayed. In this brief excerpt from “The Hour Has Come,” Alistair reminds us that genuine belief is an essential element of salvation.
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Reflections before Coming to the Communion Table
Why are we, as saved sinners, given the privilege of feasting at the Communion table before a holy God? Because He has provided an atonement for our rebellion! In his sermon “The Lamb of God,” Alistair traces man’s search for a substitutionary sacrifice throughout Scripture, starting with Isaac, who asks his father, “Where is the lamb?” The ultimate answer, of course, comes centuries later, when John the Baptist introduces Jesus as the unblemished Lamb who takes away the sin of the world. By becoming sin for us on the cross, Christ Jesus provides perfect redemption—and perfect communion—for all who believe.
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Learn from the One Who Is Gentle and Lowly in Heart
By nature, men and women act self-reliant, often burdened by the futility of trying to make sense of their existence or attempting to please God through self-effort. Jesus invites all sinners to come and find rest in Him. While His call is universal, it’s also very personal. Those who accept His invitation are expected to learn from Him.
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“Take My Yoke upon You”: The Paradox of Biblical Freedom
Millions of people across the United States of America celebrate the notion of freedom each Independence Day. But what is true freedom? In this Fourth of July weekend sermon, Alistair Begg continues his miniseries on Matthew 11:28–30.
After recently considering Jesus’ remarkable invitation—“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”—Alistair reminds us, “The same one who gave the invitation is the one who presents the obligation” of taking Christ’s yoke upon us.
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“Jesus Prayed for Us”: Alistair Begg on the High Priestly Prayer
After finishing a 29-sermon series titled “Truly, Truly, I Say to You…”: Twenty-Five Divine Declarations from John’s Gospel, Alistair began another new series in the Gospel of John. In this new study at Parkside Church, he will be surveying and unpacking the rich truths found in John 17, which contains the longest recorded prayer we have from Jesus Christ.
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Sermons on Dealing with Guilt
Through His death, Jesus provided the only solution to a guilty conscience. Outside of Christ, all attempts to rid ourselves of guilt are futile and hopeless. In Him, however, we find forgiveness that lasts. Alistair Begg reminds us of this truth in this selection of sermons on dealing with guilt caused by our sins.
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