Alistair Begg on Visiting Albania

Dear Friend,

The United Nations represents itself as “the world’s only truly global organization”—one committed to “peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet.” There is good reason to challenge that claim and to question the organization’s ability to achieve its objective. The UN came into existence in October 1945 to maintain international peace. Seventy-nine years later, we are living in a broken world where strife and disorder among people and nations is arguably worse than at any other point in history.

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Topics: Letters From Alistair Begg

Explore 100 Proofs That Jesus Is God

From the very beginning, the first followers of Jesus worshipped Him as God. What made them so certain of His identity? And what testimony gives us the same confidence today that Jesus and God are one? The answer is found in Scripture. In fact, there isn’t just one answer; there are hundreds of assurances that Jesus is God incarnate! Explore all the evidence when you read the book 100 Proofs That Jesus Is God. You’ll consider the many attributes of Jesus that are the very same attributes of God and that affirm His deity.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Wallpaper: Set Us Free

“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.”
Galatians 5:1

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper