Why Church Membership Matters
Certain questions are crucial to the Christian faith: How does someone become a Christian? What do Christians believe? How should Christians behave? The Bible provides clear answers to each. But there’s another question, often overlooked, that’s equally crucial and to which the Bible gives sure guidance. It’s this: Where does a Christian belong? The question raises the issue of church membership.
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September Thoughts from Alistair Begg
It seems like only yesterday that we were enjoying Memorial Day parades and looking forward to summer. Now here we are: the school runs have returned, and already Labor Day is in the rearview mirror. Furthermore, the general election is fast approaching, and the tension in the country is building.
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The Source: Wallpaper
“Make Christ the source, the center, and the circumference of your soul’s whole range of delight.”
—C.H. Spurgeon
Topics: Weekly Wallpaper
A New Children’s Book by Alistair Begg!
If you’ve been waiting for Alistair to write a children’s book, we have great news: he’s just released C Is for Christian: An A to Z Treasury of Who We Are in Christ! This colorfully illustrated book leads children ages five and older through the wonderful benefits and joys of being a Christian.
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Do You See God’s Glory?
In His High Priestly Prayer, recorded in John 17, Jesus prayed for Himself and all His followers—including believers today. In the sermon “Before the World Existed,” Alistair Begg examines the eternal nature of Jesus’ request for glory and the victorious report He shared as He prayed to the Father. Because of His immense love for sinners, God the Father planned the work of salvation, God the Son accomplished it on the cross, and God the Spirit applies the reality of redemption to all who believe and trust in Christ. In the following excerpt, Alistair reminds us that these realities are folly until our eyes have been opened to behold God’s glory.
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Hymn: “Come unto Me, Ye Weary” by William Chatterton Dix
“Come unto Me, ye weary,
And I will give you rest.”
O blessed voice of Jesus,
Which comes to hearts oppressed!
It tells of benediction,
Of pardon, grace, and peace,
Of joy that hath no ending,
Of love which cannot cease.
Topics: Hymns and Worship
Are You a “Good Advertisement for the Christian Faith”?
In the church’s mission to further the Gospel, Christians’ behavior plays an important role. Knowing this, Paul coached Titus to stress the ways his congregation should be ready to do good. Only the grace of a saving God changes immoral people into those who uphold the rule of the law, love peace, and consider others’ needs.
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Wallpaper: All Things
“For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?’ … For from him and through him and to him are all things.”
Romans 11:34, 36
Topics: Weekly Wallpaper
Have You Seen the Dungeon Flamed with Light?
When the hour had come for the fulfillment of Jesus’ earthly ministry, He turned to God the Father in prayer. Alistair explores this pivotal historical moment by taking a closer look at what Jesus asked, the work He was assigned to do, and the way He assured believers of the nature of eternal life. While the world may view the cross of Christ as an emblem of defeat, Scripture reveals how it’s at Calvary that God’s ultimate power, love, mercy—and glory—were displayed. In this brief excerpt from “The Hour Has Come,” Alistair reminds us that genuine belief is an essential element of salvation.
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Hymn: “Redemption” by Dora Greenwell
I am not skilled to understand
What God hath willed, what God hath planned;
I only know at His right hand
Stands one who is my Savior.
Topics: Hymns and Worship