Video: "Remember!" By Alistair Begg
The author of Ecclesiastes examined the dead-end streets that men and women travel, exposing the futility of a world without God, before concluding with a most important plea: “Remember your Creator.” Alistair Begg helps us understand this plea to abandon self-sufficiency in light of the grim picture of our certain physical decline. When we find our purposeful delight in fearing God, this reverential awe banishes all other fears and draws us to our Father with certainty that Christ has provided a way for us to know Him and to rest confidently in His salvation.
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Glory of Heaven: Wallpaper
"The Creator has exchanged the glory of heaven in order to take our place in punishment, that we might enter in to His glory."
- Alistair Begg
Topics: Weekly Wallpaper
Video: "Spiritual Warfare, Part One" by Alistair Begg
Jesus secured salvation for all believers when He defeated Satan at the cross. Until Christ returns, however, spiritual warfare rages on in this world and should not be easily dismissed. In His mercy, God has provided the armor by which we can withstand such fierce opposition. In this overview of God’s protective provision, Alistair Begg exhorts us to resist Satan’s accusations, look outside ourselves to Christ, and recall the truth that in Christ, we already have the victory. [Part Two]
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Video: "Spiritual Warfare, Part Two" by Alistair Begg
Every believer dwells in the spiritual realm and will encounter battle with our adversary, the devil, until Christ’s return. Alistair Begg urges us to remain alert to Satan’s subtle, fiery darts, and outlines a practical strategy to employ in the midst of the struggle. As students of God’s Word, we can persevere—conscious of our weakness, but strong in the Lord; resolute because of His goodness; and with every confidence in our unity with the One who reigns victorious. [Part One]
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What Does a Gospel-Centered Church Look Like?
Church--some may hear the word and think, "building with a steeple." Others may imagine an obligation or destination, as in, "Let's go to church." The purpose of the church, though, is much more profound, and its mission from Scripture is clear: to make disciples of Christ.
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Courageous Spirit: Wallpaper
"The Christian ought to be of a courageous spirit, in order that the Lord may be glorified when trials are bravely endured."
C. H. Spurgeon
Topics: Weekly Wallpaper
Video: "Wholehearted Obedience" by Alistair Begg
Man’s chief end is “to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.” By nature, we don’t do that, but the Gospel creates within our hearts a longing to do the good works that God has prepared for us. Within the workplace, this change is evidenced by transformed relationships and transformed work. Alistair Begg reminds us that the Christian standard for employees requires sincere, wholehearted obedience. When we realize that all of our work is done for Christ, it reorients our perspective from our own performance to the glory of God.
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Video: "Wholehearted Service" by Alistair Begg
The Gospel breaks down barriers that separate individuals in the world. When Paul instructed redeemed masters, for example, he reminded them that as brothers and sisters in Christ, masters and bondservants stood equal before God. Alistair Begg teaches that the same holds true for Christian employers and employees today. Regardless of job status, they ultimately serve and answer to an impartial God. Rather than bully those under their supervision, Christian employers should extend grace to their employees without qualification, transforming threats into encouragement.
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Featured Resource: "The Life of the Church" by Joe Thorn
What does a Gospel-centered church look like? Pastor and author Joe Thorn explores three environments of a church where the mission is to make disciples of Christ—The Table, around which church members engage in fellowship, The Pulpit, which faithfully proclaims the Word of God, and The Square, or the surrounding community, in which church members proactively share the Gospel.
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Featured Resource: "Knowing Christ" by Mark Jones
Drawing from the Puritans, who centered a great amount of their study, writing, preaching, and prayer on the person and work of Jesus, Knowing Christ explores twenty-seven aspects of Jesus' character and nature. This deep and theologically rich book conveys the truth about Jesus and will enable you to know Him better and to love Him more. Request your copy when you make a donation to Truth For Life today.
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Yoke Of Jesus: Wallpaper
"To be under the yoke of the authority of Jesus is not a burden— it's a delight" - Alistair Begg
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How Can You Come to Know Christ More?
Many of us can recite the names of biblical figures and heroes of the faith who have impacted our lives. Often, we recall great military or historical figures that have shaped our world. But even the very greatest mind or saint is but a grain of sand compared to the Mount Everest that is the person of Jesus Christ. How many of us, though, can say that we set aside regular time to reverently ponder Jesus?
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Watch Alistair Begg host Basics 2018 live today!
Today at 3:00 p.m. EST, Alistair Begg will welcome over 1,200 pastors and church leaders from around the world to the 2018 Basics Conference—and you can watch it all live and for free online at!
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Transformed Body: Wallpaper
"Jesus has risen from the dead in a transformed body which will never die again....He now has a body over which death is impotent."
- Alistair Begg
Topics: Weekly Wallpaper
Video: "Bondservants and Masters" by Alistair Begg
When Paul addressed the work relationships of his day in his letter to the Ephesians, he was not driven by social or political reform but by the Gospel; theologically, he could not detract from the priority of the message of Jesus Christ. Alistair Begg reminds us that the church’s calling is not to change the culture but to share the only thing that can change the human heart: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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Watch the 2018 Basics Conference free live stream with Alistair Begg!
One of the ways your giving helps strengthen the local church is through the annual Basics Conference hosted by Alistair Begg, where pastors and church leaders are encouraged to preach God's Word faithfully.
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Watch the 2018 Basics Conference online live!
You can watch Alistair Begg live as he hosts the 2018 Basics Conference for pastors and church leaders May 7–9.
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Alistair Begg requests prayer for the 2018 Basics Conference
Dear Friend,
Next week more than 1,200 pastors and church leaders will come to Cleveland for our annual Basics Conference. An extended audience of men in pastoral ministry and young men coming up in seminary will also participate by watching the sessions online via live stream.
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