A Memorial Forever

We all have memory problems: we forget what we should remember, but dwell on what is best forgotten. In this study of Joshua 3 and 4, Alistair Begg explains that God often gives His people memorials as reminders of His faithfulness and provision. Like the Israelites who built a memorial from the stones of the Jordan River, God's people in every generation must take care to commit a record of God's faithfulness to coming generations.

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Topics: From the Archives

Wallpaper: Stand Against the Tide

“The world around us is antagonistic to biblical truth and biblical conviction. Therefore, unless we are prepared to stand against the tide, we will drift with it.”
— Alistair Begg

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

Download (Free) - “Jars of Clay” by Alistair Begg

We live in a culture preoccupied with personality, where worth is often measured by wealth, power, prestige, and influence. In sharp contrast, the Bible reveals time and time again that God uses unremarkable people at unlikely times to accomplish His purposes. Like jars of clay, weak, ordinary men are chosen by God to show that all power and glory belong to Him alone.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Why We Resist Change—and How to Move Forward

In the New Testament, successful Gospel ministry required much change. Though he was free, Paul made himself a servant to all (1 Cor. 9:19–23). To the Jews he became as a Jew. To those under the law he became as one under the law. To those outside the law he again changed accordingly. To the weak he became weak. All that is to say, for the sake of Gospel ministry, he changed. He adapted. He did what he had to do to see Christ’s name glorified.

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Topics: Articles

Introduce Your Child to Elijah and His Challenge to the Prophets of Baal

Most kids get a thrill out of a lively competition. The book The God Contest: The True Story of Elijah, Jesus, and the Greatest Victory invites young school-age children to learn about the prophet Elijah and his contest with the prophets of Baal—which ended in victory. The author uses this engaging story to fast-forward to another victory—Jesus’ victory over sin and death on the cross.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Raised to New Life? Seven Consequences of Denying the Resurrection

Do we really need to believe in a resurrection to have Christian faith? Some people think that we can be perfectly fine Christians without holding to the resurrection of the dead. We can practice Christian ethics, they say, and try our best to love our neighbors as Christ did. But in their minds, the resurrection is a mere addendum we can well do without.

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Topics: Articles

Hymn: “We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations” by H. Ernest Nichol

We've a story to tell to the nations
That shall turn their hearts to the right,
A story of truth and mercy,
A story of peace and light,
A story of peace and light.

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Topics: Hymns and Worship

Comfort and Safety: Wallpaper

“Fear not, Christian; Jesus is with you. In all your difficult trials, His presence is both your comfort and safety.”
— C.H. Spurgeon

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

What Happened at Pentecost, and Why Does It Matter?

At His first coming, our Lord Jesus Christ inaugurated His kingdom on earth. The disciples expected a triumphant king, but instead, Jesus likened His kingdom to a mustard seed that expands progressively and grows organically (Matt. 13:31–32).

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Topics: Articles

Learn from Daniel How to Trust God in an Unbelieving Culture

The wind has changed. The majority of Western society is no longer made up of Bible-believing Christians. In fact, the wind appears to be blowing hard behind the forces of secularism and paganism. So how do believers find the courage to hold firm to our faith in a culture where we're increasingly becoming strangers and exiles?

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Topics: Study Guides

“I Have Had Enough, Lord”: Learning from Elijah’s Moment of Weakness

“I have had enough, Lord.” This phrase from 1 Kings 19:4 (NIV) is one many of us feel like saying (or shouting!) frequently on our Christian pilgrimage. Indeed, while we may sometimes think that we are unique in our desire to escape the difficult circumstances that attend the calling to ministry, each of us stands in a long line of God’s people who have faced similar discouragement. The prophet Elijah was one such individual—someone who wanted to escape.

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Topics: Articles

What Do History’s Best Preachers Have in Common?

The Spanish philosopher George Santayana famously wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”1 The thought has surely passed into the realm of cliché since, yet the deeper truth behind the platitude is found in the apostle Paul’s teaching that “whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction” (Rom. 15:4).

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Topics: Articles

Wisdom from Above: Wallpaper

Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. (James 3:16-17 ESV)

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

Hymn: “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” by Thomas O. Chisholm

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.

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Topics: Hymns and Worship

Do People Even Listen to Preaching Anymore?

These days, preaching is under increased scrutiny. Preaching itself is often viewed as a dated practice of former generations, while preachers are challenged by people who say things like “Preaching doesn’t do any good!” and “People don’t even listen to preaching anymore!”

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Topics: Articles

Hymn: “Jesus! the Name High over All” by Charles Wesley

Jesus, the name high over all,
In hell or earth or sky;
Angels and mortals prostrate fall,
And devils fear and fly.
Jesus, the name to sinners dear,
The name to sinners giv’n;
It scatters all their guilty fear,
It turns their hell to heav’n.

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Topics: Hymns and Worship

Consistency: Wallpaper

“Where can I find absolute honesty, complete sensitivity, and genuine consistency? In the Lord Jesus.”
— Alistair Begg

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper

4 Unexpected Keys to Effective Preaching

It’s not uncommon for preachers to daydream about success in pastoral ministry. Every pastor wants to make a difference in the kingdom of God, and it’s easy for pastors to envision the perfect ministry situation in which they could really be used by Him. Indeed, it’s very easy for any of us—pastor or not—to think that there exists a “perfect” place to work. We think that if we can just be in that place, then we could really serve the Lord to the best of our abilities.

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Topics: Articles

Recommended Reading List for Mothers

Motherhood is one of the highest callings in the world—and one of the most challenging! How are Christian mothers meant to fulfill their role as they raise children, tackle to-do lists, nurture their marriages, and love the Lord? Truth For Life recommends the following books, which will help you answer that question by looking at faithful mothers throughout church history, aiding your personal studies of God’s Word, and pointing you to the God who gives the grace and strength every mother needs.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Recommended Reading

Missing the Basics Conference?

For the past two decades, pastors and ministry leaders have attended the annual Basics conference at Parkside Church in early May. Hosted by Alistair Begg, Basics encourages men in ministry to faithfully preach God’s Word and carry out the practical aspects of their callings while also providing an opportunity for church leaders to share in valued fellowship.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

Alistair Begg on Remembering the Past

Dear Friend,

Ilkley Grammar School is situated on Cowpasture Road at a vantage point providing wonderful views of the valley which contains the River Wharfe. The area has been continuously settled since at least the early Bronze Age, and the remains of a Roman fort occupy a site near the town center. Christian worship there dates to AD 627. Living there, it was difficult to bypass the lessons of history. Imagine, if you can, my history teacher, Norman Salmon, sitting perched on a window ledge with his students in rows, his gaze drifting out over the valley. The only fact I remember is the one he told us we must never forget: Bradford City won the FA Cup in 1911!

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Topics: Letters From Alistair Begg

God is Good: Wallpaper

“Life is hard, God is good.” — Alistair Begg

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Topics: Weekly Wallpaper