God's Word Through Truth For Life is a Blessing to Many. Please Support this Listener-Funded Ministry.

“I worked as a ‘ground man’ for a local tree company because it was one of the only jobs available. I spent many days splitting wood all by myself, wondering if God had forgotten about me as I watched those around me get new jobs and move on with their lives. I listened to Truth For Life on podcast, and if it wasn’t for the generous giving of others, I would not have been able to fill my days with solid, biblical teaching. Now, God has blessed me with a new job. I became a Truthpartner so that others who are in the same situation can fill their hearts and minds with Christ.” 

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

Video: "Why Did Jesus Come?" by Alistair Begg

Why did Jesus come to earth? In this Christmas message, Alistair Begg shares three reasons that the Bible provides for why Christ came. Because all people are stuck in our sinful nature with no way to save ourselves, Jesus was sent by God from heaven to be the Savior of the world. The birth of the Messiah is good news for all people because it points ultimately to the hope we can have because of His death and resurrection.

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Topics: From the Archives

Does Your Giving to Truth For Life Make a Difference?

Does your year-end giving to Truth For Life really make a difference?

The answer is "Yes!" 

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

You Never Know How Far and Wide Your Gift to Truth For Life Will Help Proclaim the Gospel.

“I am in Talas, Kyrgyzstan as a Peace Corps volunteer and in the midst of Islam. The podcasts are priceless to me here, so far away. Truth For Life is a light and my strength in the Word. I listen on my three-mile walk to work and back each day on my smartphone. Thank you for your voice that speaks Truth. Truth For Life is my dear friend so far away.”

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

Your Important Year-End Gift to Truth For Life Helps Proclaim the Gospel to People Around the World.

“I've listened to Truth For Life for many years and have never had the opportunity to say ‘thank you.’ I live where the mountains come together in southeastern Kentucky. You can walk off my back porch and climb up a huge mountain. I thank God that I can sit in my home and listen, learn, grow, and be blessed by your sermons. I cannot express my thanks enough to you and your staff for all they're doing to make it possible for people to hear you right here in this very remote area and all over the world.”

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

The Incarnation

"It is the incarnation that assures us that God is a personal God." -Alistair Begg

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The Depths of Christmas

"We haven't plumbed the depths of Christmas until we recognize that we are encountering He who is Savior, who is Messiah, and who is God." -Alistair Begg

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Discover Peace

"Without the glory that is due to God alone, we will never discover peace that He provides." -Alistair Begg

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Your Gift to Truth For Life Helps Bring the Comfort of God's Word to People You May Never Meet This Side of Heaven.

“I believe the first time I listened to your radio broadcast was right after I lost my son to drug addiction. The sermon was, ‘My Times Are in Your Hands.’ I can't describe to you how God used your teaching to begin the long process of healing and restoration in me. Even now, over seven years later, your sermons and devotions feed my thirst for spiritual growth. I have lost track of how many others I have encouraged to listen to Truth For Life. I love how you keep the main things, the plain things and the plain things, the main things. To God alone be the glory forever.” 

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

The Peace of God

"Until we discover what it is to have peace with God, we're not going to discover the peace of God." -Alistair Begg

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When You Give to Truth For Life, You Never Know Who is Benefiting From Your Generous Support.

“I am a traveling nurse and listen to Truth For Life Monday through Friday. I can't tell you what a blessing your sermons are to me. I’m so thankful for the Truth For Life app so I can listen in my car as I travel. I get to witness to my patients, many of whom are home bound, and I have shared the app with them so they can listen too.” 

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

Radically Transformed


"To be a Christian is not a religious experience...it is being radically transformed by God." -Alistair Begg

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Merry Christmas from Alistair and Susan Begg

From Alistair and Susan Begg with granddaughters Maggie, Romy, Leona, and Matilda.

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Topics: Letters From Alistair Begg, Ministry Updates

Video: "The Climax of History" by Alistair Begg

Though Daniel penned his words long ago, they are still meant to teach us today. The vision recorded in Daniel Chapter 12 describes the end times so that God's people will not be taken by surprise. Alistair Begg explains that these days will be marked by fearful tribulation, final separation, and futile investigation. We can take heart in knowing that the God who redeems His people will be faithful to preserve them through trials and to bring them into the everlasting life that He has promised in His Son.

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Topics: From the Archives

God's Own Explanation

"The coming of Jesus into the world would mean nothing apart from God's own explanation provided in the Bible." -Alistair Begg

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A Supernatural Invasion of God

"It takes a supernatural invasion of God to bring a man to living faith." -Alistair Begg

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God's Spirit Transforms Us Through His Word

"Christianity is a radical shift in the way we view the world. It turns our upside-down worlds the right way up."
-Alistair Begg


Thank you for supporting this listener-funded ministry.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

God Comes to Meet Us

"God comes to meet us in a cattle shed in Bethlehem...to meet us in the extremity of our individual lives." -Alistair Begg

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Your Generous Giving Makes it Possible for the Truth For Life Mobile Apps to be Free to Everyone.

“I would like to thank you for the wonderful app. It has proven to be very influential in my life. Before I found this ministry, I was spiritually blind. I now have a fire for pursuing a deeper relationship with Jesus, and I owe a thousand thanks to this ministry for changing my life for the good. Since I have listened, going on two years now, I am a better Christian and have a better understanding of the Scripture. Thank you!” 

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Topics: Listener Stories

Take a Step

"The New Testament doesn't call us to take a leap into the dark, it invites us to take a step into the light." -Alistair Begg

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A Book That Understands Us

"[The Bible] is a book that not only do we seek to understand but a book that so clearly understands us." -Alistair Begg

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Download (Free) - “Good News, Great Joy”

What is the purpose behind the celebration of Christmas? For those who are in Christ, the holiday’s meaning lies solely in the birth of Jesus. Based on his own careful investigation, Luke’s account of Christ’s birth is more than a heartwarming story or a call to blind faith—it is true, historical, and life-changing. It is good news, and it brings great joy to a world darkened by sin.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

God Transforms Who We Are By the Hearing of His Word. Please Give Generously to this Listener-Funded Ministry.

"I reached a point in my life where it dawned on me that I needed to be a better husband, father, and member of society. It's not that I did anything wrong, but I did everything selfishly. My primary goal was to get educated and become financially secure, which I did. I still had significant voids in my life and my relationships. It was through a Bible study that I first heard Alistair and discovered my void. Financial security was my number one priority, but now I'm transitioning to a more meaningful life with biblical friendships and a greater understanding of who God expects me to be. I know what I'm doing now and I appreciate the journey."  

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Topics: Listener Stories

Through the Sieve of the Bible

"Pour everything you read through the sieve of the Bible." -Alistair Begg

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Video: Don and Kathie share their Truth For Life experience...

"When the Lord Jesus comes to take up residency in our lives...what a radical transformation that brings."
-Alistair Begg

Thank you for making an important year-end donation to this listener-funded ministry.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

Special USB Offer From Truth For Life!

It’s easy to become distracted and overwhelmed by the trouble in our world. Court decisions, refugees, and hostile governments can cause us to wonder if God is still in charge. Yet similar struggles have always existed and this brand new study from Alistair Begg in the book of Daniel reminds us that God sets up and removes earthly leaders, and His sovereignty reigns supreme from day to day, and from age to age.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Set Aside Yourself

"Have you set aside yourself and given all of your life, all of your future, and all of your opportunities to God?" -Alistair Begg

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Best Years of Your Life

"Beware of allowing the best years of your life to pass while you’re waiting for them to begin." -Alistair Begg

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Through His Word, God Changes Lives in the Most Unlikely Places. Please Make an Important Year-End Donation to Truth For Life.

“Thank you for sending me books to help my walk with Christ. I’m currently reading "Pathway to Freedom". The books help me, and others here, to learn a different way of life—and that way of life is as new creations in Christ. God uses prisons to break men down and humble us because we’re broken vessels. Thank you so very much for allowing God to use you to change lives. He can make water pour from a rock and change an ex-skinhead’s heart into a loving heart.”

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

Life in the Lord Jesus

"Stir us up, O Lord, that we may lay hold upon the life that is really life in the Lord Jesus Christ." -Alistair Begg

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The Unknown and the Unknowable

"Don’t allow the unknown and the unknowable to paralyze you." -Alistair Begg

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Delightful and Perfectly Sufficient

"God’s wholesome gifts are good, and when used properly, they’re delightful and perfectly sufficient." -Alistair Begg

Listen to Today's Message,"Dead Flies and Little Birds (Part 2 of 2)"

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The Enjoyment of His Gifts

 "God has planned and purposed that, in His wisdom, we may enter fully into the enjoyment of His gifts." -Alistair Begg

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