How Can You Bring the Gospel to Others?
Have you ever wondered how large the team is that brings Truth For Life to you each day?
Well, the answer is thousands!
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Video: "Love, Light, Joy" by Alistair Begg
Two thousand years ago, the Lord Jesus stepped into human flesh, and the wonder of God’s initiative-taking, all-encompassing love shone into darkness. In this moving Christmas meditation, Alistair Begg invites us to entrust our lives to the guiding light of the Savior’s embrace. Although the world’s shadowy trials bring pain and disappointment, the joy of knowing Christ illuminates the days of those who are kept completely in His care.
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Winter Hymn: Wallpaper
"O God, you give the winter's cold,
as well as summer's joyous rays,
you warmly in your love enfold,
and keep us through life's wintry days."
- 'Tis winter now, the fallen snow,
Hymn by Samuel Longfellow
Topics: Weekly Wallpaper
Video: "See Now What God Has Done" by Alistair Begg
The Old Testament is not a haphazard record of historical events, but a cohesive narrative that reveals God’s redemptive purpose. In bondage to sin and unable to uphold the law, God’s people were in need of a Savior. What, then, would God do? Alistair Begg reminds us that “in the fullness of time” Christ was born of a woman and under the law. In order to fulfill all righteousness, He offered Himself as a sacrifice for sinners and redeems all who come to Him in humility and faith.
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Your Giving to Truth For Life Makes Listening Free! Thank You!
The Christian journey isn't meant to be traveled alone, but to be shared with other believers so that we can be established and strengthened in our faith.
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Is There Such a Thing as a Gift That Can Change Someone... Forever?
While most of us will exchange Christmas gifts this season, not every gift has a long-lasting effect on someone.
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Free Teaching from Truth For Life Unites Listeners from Different Continents
Jesus instructed his disciples to "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation" (Mark 16:14). At Truth For Life, our passion is to proclaim God's Word as far and wide as possible through radio, the web, mobile technology, and any other way we can! Thanks to the enabling partnership with many equally passionate men and women who give to Truth For Life, the entire teaching archive from Alistair Begg is free to access and free to share!
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How Can People Searching for Meaning Find It?
Some ask:
- Is there more to life than this?
- Something is missing...but what?
- I have everything...why doesn't it satisfy?
When life is lived outside of God, it leaves a space that can't be filled.
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Share the Meaning of Christmas with a Friend Today!
While most see Christmas as a time for giving, the story of Christ’s birth also encourages us to recognize our need—not for a process or a program, but for a person. As Alistair Begg points out, our plight is that of rebels in need of rescue. Confronted with a clear view of what we truly are and what we truly need, we face an important choice: will we receive Jesus as our Savior?
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"I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh." (John 6:51)
The words of the Bible are food for the believer’s soul. That’s why Truth For Life teaches directly from the Scripture.
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We Three Kings: Wallpaper
"O Star of wonder, star of night
Star with royal beauty bright
Westward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to thy Perfect Light"
- We Three Kings,
John Henry Hopkins Jr.
Topics: Weekly Wallpaper
Sermons on Christ's Birth
What is Christmas really about? For some, it may be about decorating the Christmas tree, spending time with family and friends, and exchanging gifts. For those in Christ, though, Christmas’s meaning rests solely in celebrating the birth of Christ. In these sermons, Alistair Begg reminds us that behind the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, God has given us the greatest gift of all: His Son, Jesus Christ.
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God's Timing Is Always Perfect...Even on Road Trips
“I discovered Truth For Life on the radio one year while driving my parents back from their winter stay in Florida. I was hooked after that trip and shared the information on how to listen with many friends and family.” So begins a listener letter we received from Pamela, now a Truthpartner.
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We Never Know What Can Happen When God's Word is Shared
Only God can speak into a life through His Word in a lifesaving way. As we care for those around us and pray for God to lead them to salvation through Christ Jesus, the most helpful thing we can do is share Scripture with others.
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2018 Parkside Christmas Concert
As you anticipate the joys of the holiday season, we invite you to experience the majestic musical celebration of Christmas from the 2018 Parkside Christmas Concert. Listen to the joyful sounds of the Parkside Christmas Orchestra and Choir, as well as moving meditations and a Christmas message by Alistair Begg. Invite some friends to join you while rejoicing in the wonder of the greatest story ever told.
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Fullness of Time: Wallpaper
"But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons."
- Galatians 4:4-5
Topics: Weekly Wallpaper
Video: "God's Dwelling Place" by Alistair Begg
Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the Lord’s temple acknowledged that no earthly dwelling could hold the God of creation. The wonder of the incarnation, Alistair Begg explains, is that an uncontainable God took on flesh and became Immanuel, “God with us.” God's plan has always been a person, not a place. Jesus’ glory outshone that of the temple, and His death enables us to draw near to God. Though ascended to heaven, Christ still dwells among His Church, a new temple of “living stones” unified by the work of the Holy Spirit.
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How the Teaching of God's Word Brought Clarity and Understanding
Each day on Truth For Life, we teach the Bible verse by verse so that the Word of God can do the work of God in the lives of those who listen. God's Word is the ordained method by which His Spirit opens our hearts and minds so that we can understand its meaning and grasp its truth. When the Scripture comes home for the first time in the life of a new believer, they become a new creation and can clearly see themselves, their Heavenly Father, and their Savior.
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This Month: Our Most Popular Series of All Time for Just $5!
Sibling rivalry, jealousy, betrayal, and imprisonment—there's no shortage of drama in the entangled story of Joseph as recorded in the book of Genesis. How did a boy left by his own brothers to die in a pit become a man of prominence in Egypt? Alistair Begg unpacks this epic drama in the captivating 24-message study titled The Hand of God.
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How Do We Teach Truth in a World of Untruths?
Discerning what's real in a culture of obscured reality isn't easy. Many of our friends and neighbors wonder:
- Does my life have a purpose?
- Does God exist?
- What happens when I die?
The good news is, we can point them to the answers!
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What Does My Giving to Truth For Life Make Possible?
Truth For Life brings the verse by verse Bible teaching of Alistair Begg to men and women around the world by way of your giving. As a 100% listener-funded ministry, it’s your essential financial partnership that covers the cost of producing and distributing Truth For Life through 1,800 radio outlets, and through 40 million annual website and mobile app downloads—which are free to request and share!
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His Purpose: Wallpaper
"God is the Creator and the end of all things. Men and women are not left to blind fate. Why? Because God is working all things according to the purpose of His will."
- Alistair Begg
Topics: Weekly Wallpaper
How Did God's Word Reach into This Young Family's Life?
Marriage and parenthood aren't easy. But God gives us a framework for both. Listening to Truth For Life altered the way in which Andrew and Emily approached their relationship as they entered into marriage—and formulated their views and actions as young parents. Watch how God's Spirit worked in the lives of this couple through the power of God's Word.
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Video: "The Crux of Christmas" by Alistair Begg
Approaching Christmas as just a sugary holiday “for the kids” leaves us without an answer to our greatest need—reconciliation with God. Alistair Begg encourages us to instead view Christ’s birth in light of His historical, victorious work on the cross. At the heart of the incarnation is a profound mystery: in the fullness of time, God took on flesh to give His life as a ransom for many. Only a cross-centered Christmas will satisfy our heart’s deepest longings.
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A Christmas Invitation from Alistair Begg
Dear Friend,
It can be easy to complain about the harsh Cleveland winters, but sometimes on a bitter cold night when the sky is clear and star-filled, I stand outside, look up in wonder, and join with the psalmist in thinking, “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”
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God's Word and a Lost Art...
How do we teach truth in a world of untruths and blurred reality?
The Word of God is timeless, unchanging, and as relevant to everyday life today as it was when it was given to us by God in the beginning. So how do we open our hearts and minds to let the truth of the Bible work in our lives in a saving way?
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Hear Alistair Begg's Program at a New Time on WFCJ
We hope you’ve grown in your faith by listening to Truth For Life with Alistair Begg on 93.7 FM The Source (WFCJ) and 100.7 FM “Radio You Can Believe In” (WEEC) in your area.
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His Advocate: Wallpaper
"All the sin that a believer ever did or can be allowed to commit cannot destroy his interest in the Lord Jesus Christ as his advocate."
- C.H. Spurgeon