“Take My Yoke upon You”: The Paradox of Biblical Freedom

Millions of people across the United States of America celebrate the notion of freedom each Independence Day. But what is true freedom? In this Fourth of July weekend sermon, Alistair Begg continues his miniseries on Matthew 11:28–30.

After recently considering Jesus’ remarkable invitation—“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”—Alistair reminds us, “The same one who gave the invitation is the one who presents the obligation” of taking Christ’s yoke upon us.

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“Jesus Prayed for Us”: Alistair Begg on the High Priestly Prayer

After finishing a 29-sermon series titled “Truly, Truly, I Say to You…”: Twenty-Five Divine Declarations from John’s Gospel, Alistair began another new series in the Gospel of John. In this new study at Parkside Church, he will be surveying and unpacking the rich truths found in John 17, which contains the longest recorded prayer we have from Jesus Christ.

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Sermons on Dealing with Guilt

Through His death, Jesus provided the only solution to a guilty conscience. Outside of Christ, all attempts to rid ourselves of guilt are futile and hopeless. In Him, however, we find forgiveness that lasts. Alistair Begg reminds us of this truth in this selection of sermons on dealing with guilt caused by our sins.

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Topics: From the Archives

What Can Life’s Storms Teach Us about Jesus?

When the disciples faced a terrifying storm, Jesus slept soundly in their boat. Then, when they awakened Jesus in fear, He responded with a display of His power and completely stilled the wind and waves with a word. Alistair Begg teaches from this Gospel story about the heart of Jesus toward His followers. Though following Him does not insulate us from life’s upheavals, no one is better suited to deal with our predicaments than Jesus, fully God and fully man.

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Topics: From the Archives

What Is Spiritual Apostasy?

The question of whether believers can lose their salvation frightens many and has sparked debate for centuries. Thankfully, the Bible directly addresses the experience of those who once professed to follow Christ but then fell away. After identifying the traits of such individuals, Alistair Begg unpacks what causes them to forsake their profession of faith. Their example serves as a warning to true believers.

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Topics: From the Archives

Who Is God? What Is Man?

Unless we first understand God’s identity, we will never make sense of our own. So who is God? Psalm 8 proclaims that He is the Lord, the ruler of all things who created mankind in His image. Our inherent dignity, however, has been tarnished by sin. Contrasting God’s greatness with humanity’s frailty, Alistair Begg demonstrates the immense care for us that God expressed through the death of His Son, Jesus. It is this God alone who reaches out to us, answering the deepest questions of our souls.

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Topics: From the Archives

“Will God Indeed Dwell with Man on the Earth?”

Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the Lord’s temple acknowledged that no earthly dwelling could hold the God of creation. The wonder of the incarnation, Alistair Begg explains, is that an uncontainable God took on flesh and became Emmanuel, “God with us.” God’s plan has always been a person, not a place. Jesus’ glory outshone that of the temple, and His death enables us to draw near to God. Though ascended to heaven, Christ still dwells among His church, a new temple of “living stones” unified by the work of the Holy Spirit.


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8 Bible Verses about Thanksgiving and Gratitude

EPHESIANS 5:20“… giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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Topics: From the Archives

God Is Still at Work: A Lesson from Paul’s Life

Paul’s appearance before the Sanhedrin in Acts 22 provides a glimpse of the ordinariness of the extraordinary apostle. In this message, Alistair Begg traces the thread that shows how God worked in and through all the details of Paul’s life, including violence, hostility, regrets, and disappointments. Paul’s story reminds us that God continues to work out His purpose for each of us through the good, bad, and ordinary events of our lives.


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Topics: From the Archives

Bloom Where You’re Planted


In 1 Corinthians 7:17–24, Paul called for stability and contentment among believers regardless of their station in life. He used circumcision and slavery as illustrations to describe God’s sovereignty over the social and religious barriers of his day. Similarly, Alistair Begg urges us to enjoy contented Christian lives, irrespective of external circumstances, by allowing God to work within us and by enjoying a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.


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