How Can You Come to Know Christ More?
Many of us can recite the names of biblical figures and heroes of the faith who have impacted our lives. Often, we recall great military or historical figures that have shaped our world. But even the very greatest mind or saint is but a grain of sand compared to the Mount Everest that is the person of Jesus Christ. How many of us, though, can say that we set aside regular time to reverently ponder Jesus?
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The Waco Tragedy: 25 Years Later - How to Recognize False Teaching
Over twenty-five years have passed since the horrendous loss of seventy-six lives in what is now often referred to as the "Waco Massacre," a nearly fifty-day stand-off between the Branch Davidians and government forces that ended with the cult's compound engulfed in flames. The siege left behind accusation, devastation, and confusion about the tragic events in its wake. To the watching world, a grave and certain injustice against common morality had occurred, and people grappled to understand how followers from various backgrounds and walks of life had become so subservient and deluded.
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How to Nurture a Gospel-Centered Community Within Your Church
Community. How we define the term is probably based on our own expectations for a group's commonality and growth—and for most of us, finding a place to belong, engage, build relationships, and serve is an important consideration.
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Sermons on Studying the Bible
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." - 2 Timothy 2:15 (ESV)
The Bible’s power to change us stems from the fact that it is God’s Word, breathed by Him and absolutely trustworthy. Simply agreeing with this truth is not enough, though–in order to hear God speak, we must read His Word. In this selection of messages, Alistair Begg encourages us to read the Scriptures prayerfully every day and apply what we learn, allowing the Word to do its work in our hearts.
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The Triune Nature of God
At the heart of Christianity is the worship of God for who He is and for all He has done. Wonderfully, God’s Word reveals that He is triune; but that can be a vast truth to take in! What’s the appropriate response to such a profound mystery as one God in three indivisible Persons?
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Sermons on Dealing with Temptation
"For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted." - Hebrews 2:18 (ESV)
Jesus warned believers that they would face temptation in this world and encouraged them to pray that they would not succumb to it. In these messages, Alistair Begg provides practical, biblical advice on dealing with temptation.
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‘Our Triune God’ by Philip Ryken and Michael LeFebvre
Using Biblical truth and solid theology, this month’s resource, Our Triune God, is intentionally focused on the personal relationship of the individual Christian with our mighty God. Gain a deeper knowledge of the grateful joy that exists within the three-in-one love of God as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
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Lasting Love: Give Lasting Love as a Gift
Give a Valentine's Day Gift That Will Help Your Relationship Last a Lifetime.
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Laughter and Kindness Are Keys in Marriage
Topics: Monthly Resources, Articles
What Makes for a Successful Marriage?
While a witty romantic comedy may make for casual date night material, the characters and plotlines probably don’t provide the most suitable examples for what to look for or expect in a spouse or marriage.
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