True Christian Living is Rooted in Sound Doctrine

Biblical theology. Sound doctrine. All right living begins with such right thinking.

Our study of Christian doctrine helps us better understand the God we worship, the depth of Christ’s love and atoning work on the cross, and the work of the Spirit in our everyday lives. In many ways, biblical theology forms the foundation of the Christian life.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Understanding Christian Doctrine in "The Christian Life" by Sinclair Ferguson

Covering key biblical themes such as grace, faith, repentance, new birth, and assurance, Sinclair Ferguson’s wisdom-packed book The Christian Life provides a clear understanding of what Christian doctrine is, how to explain it to others, and how to live it out in our own lives. “Christian doctrines,” he writes, “show us the God we worship and illuminate our understanding of His Son’s love and His Spirit’s work.”

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Download (Free) - “A Study in 1 Thessalonians” by Alistair Begg

The Thessalonian church held a tender place in Paul’s heart because of their working faith. In his first letter to them, he emphasized the life-changing Gospel as the ground for godly living and corporate worship. When the Thessalonians came to believe in Jesus Christ through Paul’s preaching, they experienced God’s power to live holy lives that pleased and glorified Him.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Conquer the Emotion that Robs Us of Joy — Anger

There's something ugly buried deep in our hearts. Left undisturbed, this invader will slowly, steadily destroy us. Irritate it with day-to-day annoyances like traffic jams and spilled coffee—or further still with something that may disrupt an entire life—and destruction is imminent.

The unwelcome guest? Anger.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Is There an Antidote for Anger?

The Bible warns about anger and even prescribes an antidote, but this undesirable emotion is great at disguising itself—and left unchecked, it will destroy relationships.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

A Journey Through the Bible for Kids

"Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so." These familiar lines from a children's hymn contain a vitally important message: the Bible tells our children about Jesus' love for them. Based on the lyrics, the hymnist probably assumed that children would read and know about the Bible. But that's not often the case—perhaps because navigating the Bible isn't always easy, especially for young students of God's Word.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Help Your Children Learn How to Study the Bible

Reading and studying the Bible is an important life skill. But where should young ones begin, and how can parents help get them started? Exploring the Bible: A Bible Reading Plan for Kids presents an introductory journey through the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, for children ages 6–12. Designed around the metaphor of exploration, this interactive workbook navigates youngsters through key stories in short, weekly lessons that offer an understanding of God's plan for salvation in one year's time.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

What Does a Gospel-Centered Church Look Like? 

Church--some may hear the word and think, "building with a steeple." Others may imagine an obligation or destination, as in, "Let's go to church." The purpose of the church, though, is much more profound, and its mission from Scripture is clear: to make disciples of Christ.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Featured Resource: "The Life of the Church" by Joe Thorn

What does a Gospel-centered church look like? Pastor and author Joe Thorn explores three environments of a church where the mission is to make disciples of Christ—The Table, around which church members engage in fellowship, The Pulpit, which faithfully proclaims the Word of God, and The Square, or the surrounding community, in which church members proactively share the Gospel.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Featured Resource: "Knowing Christ" by Mark Jones

Drawing from the Puritans, who centered a great amount of their study, writing, preaching, and prayer on the person and work of Jesus, Knowing Christ explores twenty-seven aspects of Jesus' character and nature. This deep and theologically rich book conveys the truth about Jesus and will enable you to know Him better and to love Him more. Request your copy when you make a donation to Truth For Life today.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

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