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Blog How Can You Come to Know Christ More? 

How Can You Come to Know Christ More? 

Knowing Christ

Many of us can recite the names of biblical figures and heroes of the faith who have impacted our lives. Often, we recall great military or historical figures that have shaped our world. But even the very greatest mind or saint is but a grain of sand compared to the Mount Everest that is the person of Jesus Christ. How many of us, though, can say that we set aside regular time to reverently ponder Jesus?

Knowing Christ is a book designed to help us contemplate Jesus in a deeper, more devoted way. Standing on the shoulders of the Puritans—who centered a great amount of their study, writing, preaching, and prayer on savoring Jesus—the book’s twenty-seven chapters offer rich opportunities to love Christ more.

Mark Jones writes of Jesus, “We can only love him more by knowing him better.” As he explores subjects like Christ’s emotions, growth, temptations, and faith, Jones guides the reader beyond a conceptual knowledge toward a relational understanding of the Savior.

If you long to know better the Christ who first knows us, you’ll want to read Knowing Christ.

Purchase a copy of "Knowing Christ."

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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.