How Do We Know Where to Draw the Line? (An Excerpt from ‘Brave by Faith’)
Refusing to eat the special diet assigned to them seems a strange place for Daniel and his fellow young Jewish exiles to draw a line. But in the Old Testament, one of the distinguishing features of God’s people was the rules they followed about what they would and would not eat and drink. Dietary choice for God’s people was not just an external manifestation of nothing much; rather, it was an external outworking of their deeply held convictions about what it meant to belong to God.
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Idolatry Comes Before Immorality (An Excerpt from ‘Brave by Faith’)
King Nebuchadnezzar sets up a statue of himself and says, in essence, “I have had this amazing image put up, and I want universal submission and worship, from everyone, or else.”
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What Is Faith? (And What It’s Not)
“Are you a person of faith?” How you respond to that question will depend on what you think faith actually is. Given all the misconceptions and misappropriations of the word faith in our culture, it’s no surprise that you might hesitate to answer.
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How Do Christians Handle a Changing Culture?
“What I believe makes me an outsider.” This is a sentiment shared by many Christians these days. Far removed from the time of a “moral majority,” we are now living with greater awareness that this broken, sinful world is not our home. What the Bible teaches about Christians is becoming clearer to our generation in the West: we are “sojourners and exiles” in this world (1 Pet. 2:11).
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Why We Resist Change—and How to Move Forward
In the New Testament, successful Gospel ministry required much change. Though he was free, Paul made himself a servant to all (1 Cor. 9:19–23). To the Jews he became as a Jew. To those under the law he became as one under the law. To those outside the law he again changed accordingly. To the weak he became weak. All that is to say, for the sake of Gospel ministry, he changed. He adapted. He did what he had to do to see Christ’s name glorified.
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Raised to New Life? Seven Consequences of Denying the Resurrection
Do we really need to believe in a resurrection to have Christian faith? Some people think that we can be perfectly fine Christians without holding to the resurrection of the dead. We can practice Christian ethics, they say, and try our best to love our neighbors as Christ did. But in their minds, the resurrection is a mere addendum we can well do without.
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What Happened at Pentecost, and Why Does It Matter?
At His first coming, our Lord Jesus Christ inaugurated His kingdom on earth. The disciples expected a triumphant king, but instead, Jesus likened His kingdom to a mustard seed that expands progressively and grows organically (Matt. 13:31–32).
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“I Have Had Enough, Lord”: Learning from Elijah’s Moment of Weakness
“I have had enough, Lord.” This phrase from 1 Kings 19:4 (NIV) is one many of us feel like saying (or shouting!) frequently on our Christian pilgrimage. Indeed, while we may sometimes think that we are unique in our desire to escape the difficult circumstances that attend the calling to ministry, each of us stands in a long line of God’s people who have faced similar discouragement. The prophet Elijah was one such individual—someone who wanted to escape.
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What Do History’s Best Preachers Have in Common?
The Spanish philosopher George Santayana famously wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”1 The thought has surely passed into the realm of cliché since, yet the deeper truth behind the platitude is found in the apostle Paul’s teaching that “whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction” (Rom. 15:4).
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Do People Even Listen to Preaching Anymore?
These days, preaching is under increased scrutiny. Preaching itself is often viewed as a dated practice of former generations, while preachers are challenged by people who say things like “Preaching doesn’t do any good!” and “People don’t even listen to preaching anymore!”
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