Download (Free) - “Jesus 101 - Foundational Truths About the Christ”
Who is Jesus? Can ordinary people understand His identity, or do you need a seminary education? In Jesus 101, Alistair Begg emphasizes that the search for the real Jesus must always lead us to the Scriptures. Only in the Bible do we meet the Man Who is God, the living Word Who is Prophet, Priest, and King; only there do we learn of the Lamb sacrificed to bring salvation to a lost and dying world, the majestic Ruler of a kingdom that will last for all eternity. When we have a solid biblical grasp of who the Savior is, and of what He accomplished on our behalf in His life and atoning death, our hearts are filled with awe and adoration at the mention of His name, “Jesus.”
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Featured Resource: "Name above All Names" by Alistair Begg and Sinclair Ferguson
Who is Jesus? There's no more important question human beings face.
And yet, even for those who claim to be followers of Christ, we make little room in our busy lives to truly know the most important person we could ever know.
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Download (Free) - A Study in 1 Peter: Some Practical Exhortations
A Study in 1 Peter, Volume 4: Some Practical Exhortations
In his first epistle, Peter encouraged believers who were suffering persecution from a hostile culture. To stand firm, they would need to understand that their true security was in eternity, purchased for them by the blood of Christ. Christians are citizens of heaven, and they are aliens and strangers on the earth. When we learn to see things from this heavenly point of view, all that happens on earth takes on a different light.
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Sermons about the Sacraments
Download or listen to sermons by Alistair Begg about the Lord’s Supper and baptism.
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Do Not Exasperate Your Children
As Christian parents, we don't set out to intentionally create friction with our children. Yet, in the heat of the moment, words can inflict all kinds of damage. The Apostle Paul warns of this in the book of Ephesians, but also gives parents, and fathers in particular, God-inspired counsel on how to care for, teach, discipline, and love their children.
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10 Books on Christian Parenting
There’s no shortage of books filled with opinions on the topic of parenting. Yet, God is the creator of the family and His design and instruction for mothers, fathers, and children provides the only true roadmap for nurturing a healthy, happy, and content family unit.
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Download (Free) - “Parental Priorities” by Alistair Begg
Wouldn’t it be great if children came with an instruction guide? Alistair Begg teaches us that, in fact, they do! The Bible is the ultimate source for instruction and contains everything we need to know about raising children. Navigating the challenges of parenting is particularly difficult in today’s culture, which is confused about the role of mothers and fathers and the unique benefits they each bring to the family unit. Wise parenting begins with the realization that we are all born in sin; when this doctrine is properly understood, it will have practical implications on how we discipline and train our children. Mothers should embrace their irreplaceable role, and fathers are to lead their families under the framework of Biblical truth. Believing parents can be encouraged by God’s promise: “Train them up in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it.”
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Is There a Model for Parenthood?
We live in a culture where families now come in all kinds of configurations. Single-working moms try to hold down the role of both mother and father. Absentee fathers have abandoned their parenting responsibilities altogether. Children are unclear about what's right and what's wrong. Does anyone have the answer?
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A Helpful Book for Teaching Children the Bible
Children learn best one short, focused lesson at a time.
And this month, Truth For Life is excited to offer a brand new book from bestselling children's author Carine MacKenzie that does just that!
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Featured Resource: "My 1st Books and More" by Carine MacKenzie
Teaching children the wide scope of Biblical truth can be a challenge:
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