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Blog Download (Free) - “A Study in 1 Thessalonians” by Alistair Begg

Download (Free) - “A Study in 1 Thessalonians” by Alistair Begg

The Thessalonian church held a tender place in Paul’s heart because of their working faith. In his first letter to them, he emphasized the life-changing Gospel as the ground for godly living and corporate worship. When the Thessalonians came to believe in Jesus Christ through Paul’s preaching, they experienced God’s power to live holy lives that pleased and glorified Him.

Volume 1 - Listen (Free) | Download (Free - 140 mb)

In volume one of this series, Alistair Begg introduces the Thessalonian church and Paul’s affection for it. The Thessalonians are an example of healthy spiritual life because they were grounded in the Gospel through faith, and they had been transformed as a result, living to please God and adorn the Gospel in which they believed. Likewise, Paul and Timothy offer us an example of pastoral ministry in their building up of this church for the sake of the Gospel.

Volume 2 - Listen (Free) | Download (Free - 153 mb)

In volume two of this series, Alistair Begg teaches that believers today, like the Thessalonian Christians, are to live in a manner that pleases God. Everything we do should be done with an eye to God’s glory. In practical terms, this means living with purity in a licentious culture, living with love in a malicious culture, and living with hope in a hopeless culture. As we look forward to our future with the Lord, we are to walk faithfully in eager expectation of His coming.

Volume 3 - Listen (Free) | Download (Free - 240 mb)

In volume three of this series, Alistair Begg explores Paul’s final instructions to the Thessalonian believers, exhorting them to a loving life together in the local church as they “encourage one another and build each other up.” As believers care for one another, worship the Lord together, and heed God’s Word together, they will be built into the corporate image of Christ that God intends them to be.

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