Is Freedom from Addiction Possible?
This month, we’re offering a resource on a topic we don’t often cover at Truth For Life: addiction. This subject, though, is relevant to us all—even as Christians.
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Book Review: "Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave" by Edward T. Welch
There are some books which I find myself coming back to time and time again. Ed Welch’s Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave is one of them. Written nearly two decades ago, Welch’s material has aged well; I actually find the content even more relevant today. Thanks to his trademark focus on both the individual person and Scripture, one never feels they are reading a counseling-medical textbook, but rather an accessible and biblical theology of addictions. People are never abstract in his thinking, but are real souls in a real world with real struggles. Welch brings the full weight of Scripture to bear on his topic without ever reducing either the person or Scripture itself. No small task!
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Are You Weary from Trials?
Life’s not easy. When hardships come, especially one after the other, we often wonder just how much longer we can keep going. Even the ancient people of God felt this way. So where did they seek comfort? Where can we find strength?
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Ever Challenged to Answer a Child's Question About Jesus?
Questions—children are full of them! While inquisitiveness is an endearing quality, it can sometimes prove challenging, especially when young ones begin to ask about matters of faith. Thankfully, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson has written a helpful book for families that makes the most of a child’s natural curiosity about God and the world He has made.
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What Happens When We Pray? (An Excerpt from the Book 'Do You Pray?')
What happens when we pray? Consider this encouragement from J.C. Ryle:
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What Can Prayer Do? Have You Ever Wondered? (An Excerpt from the Book 'Do You Pray?')
What can prayer do? Have you ever wondered? Consider J.C. Ryle’s observations:
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Do You Pray?
Do you pray? It’s a straightforward question, and one that most of us can answer without much reflection. But even if we do pray, what do our prayers sound like? What do they reveal about our hearts?
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Alistair Begg's New Book "Pray Big"
Having a consistent, intimate prayer life is a challenge for many of us. We might pray readily enough for our most immediate concerns, such as help for our children, provision with our jobs, or assistance with our finances. We often have difficulty, though, relying entirely on God to answer our prayers in accordance with our truest needs. How do we pray rightly, understanding that we’re praying to a God who can do infinitely more than we ask or imagine?
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How Can We Thank God for the Privilege of Coming to Him in Prayer?
In the book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul teaches that God can "do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think" (3:20). How do we rightly thank God for His goodness toward us? In his book Pray Big, Alistair Begg helps us pray big prayers to a big God who is unlimited in granting all that is in His will for us.
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How Can We Thank God for Opening Our Eyes to See Our Savior?
When we hear and study God’s Word, He works miraculously to open our eyes so that we can see the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Finding the right words to thank God for this lifesaving miracle is far from easy. In his book Pray Big, Alistair Begg draws from the prayers of the apostle Paul to put earnest words to our gratitude.
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