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Blog God as the Composer of the World (An Excerpt from the book God's Big Picture)

God as the Composer of the World (An Excerpt from the book God's Big Picture)

Does the melody of your life carry a tune of harmony or discord? Where can we find the order we need to play the right notes?

Vaughan Roberts explains how music serves as a metaphor for our relationship with God in his book God’s Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible:

Gods Big Picture

God is the composer who created this world, and he gave instructions about how we should live; the score he wants us to play. But we ignore them. We would rather play our own notes in our own time, so we dismiss him and tear up his score. It is hardly surprising that there is no harmony in the world. How can there be, if we all insist on playing our own tune? The result is a terrible cacophony. We desperately need a conductor if we are to begin to play the right notes again. There is no hope for the world otherwise.

Jesus is both the composer and the conductor. He has come to restore order. He wants to change the ugly discord of our lives and our world into the beautiful music they were designed to make: a symphony of praise to the Creator. He himself played that perfect music as he lived in perfect submission to God his Father. By his death on the cross he made it possible for us to return to God’s orchestra, despite the way we have treated him. Then by his resurrection, he was established as the eternal conductor. If we take our lead from him, we will find our proper place in God’s world once more. Our lives will make sense and will begin to produce beautiful music again, bringing praise to God.

Excerpt taken from p. 126 of God's Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible by Vaughan Roberts (Copyright (c) 2003 by Vaughan Roberts) with permission from InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL (

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