Alistair Begg on How to Pray Like the Apostle Paul
A consistent, eternity-focused prayer life doesn't come naturally to most of us. How can we pray better, and bigger? In his latest book, Alistair Begg offers a helpful pattern for praying big prayers to a big God by drawing from the prayers of the apostle Paul in the book of Ephesians. Watch Alistair discuss how to focus our prayers, why some prayers remain unanswered, and what we should pray for in this insightful series.
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How Can We Thank God for the Privilege of Calling Him Father?
Finding the words to pray what's on our hearts isn't always easy. In his book Pray Big, Alistair Begg gives us a prayer to thank God for the privilege of being able to call Him Father and for enabling us to come to Him through the giving of the Holy Spirit.
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Get Back to the Basics of Christianity
What does it really mean to be a Christian? In this study, Alistair Begg identifies the essential elements of the believer’s life, starting with conversion and then elaborating on how believers are to act out their faith. “To be a Christian,” he says, “is to declare that Jesus is Lord. His Lordship affects both our minds, teaching us what to believe, and our morals, changing the way we live.” While each follower of Christ is uniquely called, all Christians share the same fixed features of genuine faith.
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Download (Free) — “The Kingdom of God” by Alistair Begg
“The Kingdom of God - The Bible’s Story, from Genesis to Revelation”
Look out an airplane window at 35,000 feet, and you’ll see patterns in the landscape below that would be unobservable from the ground. In the same way, when we examine the sixty-six books of the Bible through a wide-angle lens, we discover far more than a collection of disjointed writings. The Bible is one book, inspired by one Author, with one supreme subject: Jesus Christ, who came to secure God’s people in God’s place under God’s rule and blessing.
Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources
What Can We Learn From Followers of Jesus Throughout the Centuries?
While everyone has a family tree, not everyone knows their family’s history. As Christians, however, we have the distinct privilege of claiming the shared narrative of Christ’s Church, our very own family of faith that spans two thousand years. How can we begin to trace the fragments of a story that has coursed through twenty centuries, branching north and south, east and west, into the whole of our modern world?
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Sermons on Obeying God in Our Daily Lives
Obedience is defined as submission to the restraint or command of authority. As Christians, we are to be obedient to God and His commands because of His great mercy and grace to us. In this selection of sermons, Alistair Begg reminds us that our obedience should come from love for God and should be reflected in every area of our life.
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God as the Composer of the World (An Excerpt from the book God's Big Picture)
Does the melody of your life carry a tune of harmony or discord? Where can we find the order we need to play the right notes?
Vaughan Roberts explains how music serves as a metaphor for our relationship with God in his book God’s Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible:
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God's Only Plan (An Excerpt from the book God's Big Picture)
Although the Bible contains a diverse collection of writings penned across generations, it holds together as one book, with God as its author. Scripture’s unifying subject is Jesus Christ and the salvation He brings—but even believers misunderstand the message being conveyed throughout the Old and New Testaments. Vaughan Roberts, in his helpful book God’s Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible, offers clarification:
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What Does a Sweeping Journey Through the Bible Reveal?
Creation, dietary laws, animal sacrifices, David and Goliath…what do these topics from Scripture have to do with Jesus Christ? Do they hold any relevance for us today?
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In Marriage, Who Leads, Who Follows, and Why Is It Important?
A cartoon Cupid with a quiver full of arrows may make us chuckle, but buying into the concept of being “love-struck” can be harmful—especially if we don’t think beyond fleeting emotions to the fulfillment of the roles God has established for husband and wife.
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