Truth For Life Will Be Down for Maintenance

Our website and mobile app will be down for routine maintenance on Tuesday, June 6th, from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. eastern time.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

If You Benefit from Truth For Life, Become a Truthpartner!

Truthpartners are believers who make Truth For Life possible by financially supporting the ministry each month and by praying for God to work through the teaching to bring many to saving faith in Jesus.  

Truthpartners are vital to Truth For Life because their faithful and consistent monthly giving provides the stable income that pays to: 

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Topics: Ministry Updates

Truthpartners Help Bring Truth to an Increasingly Confused Culture

The 2022 State of Theology survey, conducted by Ligonier Ministries in partnership with LifeWay Research, confirms that a growing percentage of US adults have misconceptions about foundational biblical truths.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

Remembering Tim Keller (1950–2023)

We join our brothers and sisters around the world in mourning the death of Tim Keller. He was, for many of us, an example of sanctified scholarship and pastoral care. His skill in bridging the gap between the truth of the Bible and the skeptical mind was unmatched. We extend our sympathy to his wife Kathy, their sons, and their wider family. There is no question Tim will be greatly missed—but what a legacy he has left us in his writing and in the quality of his life.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

Yes, Jesus Gets Us. But Who Is He?

Who is Jesus? It’s a question we all need to answer. Is He the Son of God, as Christians have believed for more than two thousand years—or was He just a man? Alistair Begg examines the Gospels and explains that Jesus made direct claims that He is both God and man. People of His day understood who He was claiming to be. That’s why they accused Him of blasphemy.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

How to Use Our on Instagram

Do you see something you like on our Instagram, but you’re not sure how to find the link? Here are a few simple steps for using our!

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Topics: Ministry Updates

Resources for Worry and Anxiety

While Scripture instructs us to cast all our anxieties on the Lord, our lives unfortunately are often marked by anxiousness and worry. God’s Word helpfully addresses this side of the human experience and points us to faith in Christ, which strengthens our inner security and peace. 

These recommended resources are suggested to help you better understand the root cause of anxiety and depression and point you toward some measure of relief.  

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Download (Free) - “A Study Ecclesiastes” by Alistair Begg

Trapped in a dark world without a clear a view of God, the writer of Ecclesiastes sought frantically for some light on the path—but indulging in everything this world had to offer left him empty and unfulfilled. After climbing high on life’s ladder, he made the tragic discovery that it was propped against the wrong wall. Cynical about life’s achievements, he began to question—rightly—whether anything mattered or whether everything was only vanity.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

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