Thank You for Giving to Truth For Life at the End of 2021
Dear Friend,
Thank you for making a donation to Truth For Life at the end of 2021. We're grateful for your faithful partnership in the Gospel and your shared passion for seeing others find eternal life and hope by trusting in Jesus.
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A Year in Review: Truth For Life’s Top 5 Articles and Sermons of 2021
Year after year, our aim at Truth For Life is to teach the Bible with clarity and relevance so that unbelievers will be converted, believers will be established, and local churches will be strengthened. As the calendar changes, we wanted to share several of the sermons and articles that were listeners’ and readers’ favorites during the last year, in hopes that they will be an encouragement to you as 2022 begins.
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Watch “A Parkside Christmas”
Enjoy watching this post-produced version of the 2020 musical event “A Parkside Christmas” with Alistair Begg. Christian recording artists Fernando Ortega, Michael O’Brien, Laura Story, and Brenton Brown perform songs of the season in this joyful celebration of the birth of the Lord Jesus.
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Do Not Read This Devotional If…
If you think that a devotional can be a replacement for Bible reading and prayer, you may be surprised by Alistair Begg’s advice regarding his brand-new book: don’t read it! Truth For Life: 365 Daily Devotions is not for those looking to replace Bible reading. But if you want to supplement, or maybe even revive, your Bible reading and prayer with daily insights that will take you deeper into God’s Word, it will make an excellent companion.
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Study the Ten Commandments in the New Year
We live at a time when many view the Ten Commandments as outdated and irrelevant to contemporary life. But God’s law is timeless, and our response to His instruction is of eternal significance.
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Recommended Reading List for Kids
For Christian parents, introducing their children to God’s Word should be even more foundational than helping them learn their ABCs. Truth For Life recommends the following books for children of all ages to enjoy as they learn more about God and the Bible. The selections include Bible narratives, family devotionals, and tales about heroes of the faith.
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Using Your USB on Your Computer
Thank you for requesting a teaching series from Truth For Life with Alistair Begg on a USB. We hope you enjoy listening to these messages. Below are instructions on how to use the USB on your computer.
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Download — “Faith That Works: A Study in the Book of James”
Written to scattered believers facing a variety of troubles, the Epistle of James addresses a universally relevant question: How are God’s people to live in God’s world? This side of heaven, trials and tribulations crowd into our lives, confronting us with failure and tears, doubts and disappointments, sorrow and groanings. In response, James offers us practical help, with an eye toward not becoming Christians so much as behaving as those who have been redeemed “by the word of truth.”
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Recommended Reading for Students
The decisions, lifestyles, and pressures that confront us as we head off to college are challenging, particularly for the Christian. So whether you’re getting used to campus life or know someone who is in that setting, we think the assortment of resources below will be a help.
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Download (Free) - “Encore: A Collection of Listener Favorites”
Each year Truth For Life produces a series of listener favorites. The messages are on a wide range of topics such as marriage, trials, and attributes of God.
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