Sermons about the Wrath of God

In today’s world, we don’t discuss God’s wrath often. While many of us hold to the truth that God is loving and full of grace and mercy, it can be tempting to stop there, leaving us with an incomplete picture of God’s true character. In these sermons, Alistair Begg reminds us that while God is loving, He is also just, and there are consequences if we don't accept His Son as our Savior.

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Download (Free) - “A Study in Daniel”

The book of Daniel contains familiar Bible stories and perplexing apocalyptic visions, yet both are held together by the doctrinal anchors of God’s sovereignty over the affairs of history and His promise to judge the world. History is unfolding according to God’s plan, and every one of us will stand before our Creator. These realities had bearing on how Daniel and his friends lived amid a pagan culture, and they have bearing on how we live today.

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Sermons about the Authority of the Bible

Some believe that the Bible is just a piece of literature to be read but to Christians, the Bible is God's Word. In these sermons, Alistair Begg examines why the Bible is important and reminds us that the Bible accomplishes its work in our lives as we trust in its authority as the inspired Word of God.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Encore 2017 - A Collection of Listener Favorites

The Encore series is a collection of listener favorites from the past year. Encore 2017 covers a variety of topics from both the Old and New Testament including evangelism, marriage, the importance of God's Word, and the church. In these messages, Alistair Begg emphasizes the centrality of Scripture as it reveals God’s character, purpose, and plan for the lives of His children.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

10 Helpful Books Affirming the Truth of Scripture



Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books
by Michael Kruger available from Crossway

This study of the New Testament canon and its authority mines the Scripture to understand what the original authors and audiences believed the…


This study of the New Testament canon and its authority mines the Scripture to understand what the original authors and audiences believed the canon to be.Canon Revisited places a substantial focus on the theology of canon as the context, within which the historical evidence is evaluated and assessed.




Collected Writings on Scripture
by D. A. Carson available from Crossway

Collected Writings on Scripture is a road map of pathways to pursue, and pitfalls to avoid, when reading the Bible. D. A. Carson guides readers to…


Collected Writings on Scripture is a road map of pathways to pursue, and pitfalls to avoid, when reading the Bible. D. A. Carson guides readers to confidence in God’s Word by refuting its critics and validating its truth.




7 Reasons Why You Can Trust the Bible
by Erwin Lutzer available from Moody Publishers

Erwin Lutzer offers seven foundational arguments for the reliability of Scripture. In clear, easy-to-follow language, he explores:

  1. The Bible’s…

Erwin Lutzer offers seven foundational arguments for the reliability of Scripture. In clear, easy-to-follow language, he explores:

  1. The Bible’s claims about itself
  2. The historical reliability of the Bible
  3. The prophetic predictions of the Bible
  4. The claims of Christ concerning Scripture
  5. The harmony between science and the Bible
  6. The providence of God in preserving Scripture
  7. The power of the Bible to change lives



Why Trust the Bible?
by Greg Gilbert available from Crossway

Written to help readers better understand why God’s Word is reliable, this short book explores the historical and theological arguments that have…


Written to help readers better understand why God’s Word is reliable, this short book explores the historical and theological arguments that have helped millions of believers through the centuries trust the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.




The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?
by F. F. Bruce available from IVP

This study of the New Testament offers a compelling defense of biblical truth. Scholar F.F. Bruce makes a clear case for the historical…


This study of the New Testament offers a compelling defense of biblical truth. Scholar F.F. Bruce makes a clear case for the historical trustworthiness of the Scripture, drawing on evidence from the New Testament documents themselves, as well as extra-biblical sources.




Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible’s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity
by Dr. James White available from Baker Publishing Group

Scripture Aloneis written to instill a passionate love for, and understanding of, the Bible. In this defense of God’s inspired Word, readers will…


Scripture Alone is written to instill a passionate love for, and understanding of, the Bible. In this defense of God’s inspired Word, readers will comprehend what God’s Word is, the nature of Scripture, the relationship of the Bible to tradition, and how to apply Scripture to today’s issues.



The Scripture Cannot Be Broken: Twentieth Century Writings on the Doctrine of Inerrancy
by John MacArthur, Editor available from Crossway

Under the editorial oversight of John MacArthur, this anthology of essays in defense of inerrancy, features contributions from a host of respected…


Under the editorial oversight of John MacArthur, this anthology of essays in defense of inerrancy, features contributions from a host of respected twentieth century evangelical leaders.




A Peculiar Glory: How the Christian Scriptures Reveal Their Complete Truthfulness
by John Piper available from Crossway

John Piper sets out to answer this question: How are we to know that the Christian Scriptures are the Word of God? His approach is intended to help…


John Piper sets out to answer this question: How are we to know that the Christian Scriptures are the Word of God? His approach is intended to help ordinary people discern whether the Bible is, in fact, the Word of God.




From the Mouth of God: Trusting, Reading and Applying the Bible
by Sinclair Ferguson available from Banner of Truth
  • Why should we believe–as Jesus did–that the Bible it is ‘the mouth of God’?
  • When did it come into existence?
  • Is it inerrant?
  • What do we need to…
  • Why should we believe–as Jesus did–that the Bible it is ‘the mouth of God’?
  • When did it come into existence?
  • Is it inerrant?
  • What do we need to learn in order to understand it better?
  • How does its teaching change our lives?

Sinclair Ferguson answers these and other important questions about trusting, reading, and applying the Bible.



The Inerrant Word: Biblical, Historical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspectives
by John MacArthur, Editor available from Crossway

This collection of commissioned essays by a host of evangelical pastors, theologians, historians, and biblical scholars, contends that the Bible…


This collection of commissioned essays by a host of evangelical pastors, theologians, historians, and biblical scholars, contends that the Bible is completely true and without error.

Related resource: "The Truth of Scripture"

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Let us know where YOU listen

Truth For Life with Alistair Begg is heard around the world through radio stations, our website, mobile apps, streaming tv and more.

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More Ways to Donate to Truth For Life

You can now donate to Truth For Life through websites you already visit and through services you regularly use. Donate to the ministry through the Paypal Giving Fund, Ebay for Charity and Amazon Smile.  

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Sermons on Who Jesus Christ Is

Download or listen to sermons by Alistair Begg about who is Jesus Christ.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Download (Free) - “Jesus 101 - Foundational Truths About the Christ”

Who is Jesus? Can ordinary people understand His identity, or do you need a seminary education? In Jesus 101, Alistair Begg emphasizes that the search for the real Jesus must always lead us to the Scriptures. Only in the Bible do we meet the Man Who is God, the living Word Who is Prophet, Priest, and King; only there do we learn of the Lamb sacrificed to bring salvation to a lost and dying world, the majestic Ruler of a kingdom that will last for all eternity. When we have a solid biblical grasp of who the Savior is, and of what He accomplished on our behalf in His life and atoning death, our hearts are filled with awe and adoration at the mention of His name, “Jesus.”

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Download (Free) - A Study in 1 Peter: Some Practical Exhortations

A Study in 1 Peter, Volume 4: Some Practical Exhortations

In his first epistle, Peter encouraged believers who were suffering persecution from a hostile culture. To stand firm, they would need to understand that their true security was in eternity, purchased for them by the blood of Christ. Christians are citizens of heaven, and they are aliens and strangers on the earth. When we learn to see things from this heavenly point of view, all that happens on earth takes on a different light.

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