Share the Way to Life with Friends

Newspapers, magazines, and TV commercials sling hundreds of slogans at us every day. In a world battered with messaging, many dismiss even the important issues, like Christianity, as merely more noisy chatter.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Resource Offer: "This Way To Life: Discovering Life to the Full" by Derek Prime

Do you have friends, relatives, or colleagues uninterested in investing time to understand why the Bible is relevant? In a world too noisy for many to sort out the facts surrounding the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, author Derek Prime cuts to the chase and provides a succinct, fact-based narrative explaining who Jesus is, why He came, and why it matters.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Are the Marriage Struggles We Face New to Our Contemporary World?

Many approach marriage as if it were an adventure into the unknown. But marriage has existed since the beginning of time. In a exceptional look at marriage through the experiences of authors throughout history, Held in Honor reveals that both the joys and challenges of marriage are strikingly similar throughout the ages.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Listen to an Interview with Josh Moody, Author of "How Church Can Change Your Life"

Josh Moody, author of "How Church Can Change Your Life", was interviewed on the radio program, In the Market with Janet Parshall. Listen as Josh answers questions about church and discusses the importance of church in a Christian's life.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Download (Free) - “What is the Church? - A Study on the Origins, Leadership and Attributes of the Church”

By examining passages from several books of the New Testament, Alistair Begg provides clarity on the topic of the Church by explaining the nature, origin, and leadership of the Church, the relationship of individuals to the Body of Christ and to local congregations, and the marks of a healthy church fellowship. In all of these areas, we are reminded that Christ Himself is the head of the Church, and it is only in submission to His authority that the Church functions as it ought and flourishes as He intends. Whatever our starting point, this series of studies will bring us to realize just how vitally relevant and crucial the Church is for the 21st century.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Church - How Does it Fit Into My Life?

Do you have friends or family members who've dismissed the need to attend a local church?

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Resource Offer: How Church Can Change Your Life

Many ask: Why should I attend a local church?

Ours is an age in which assumptions about church can no longer be taken for granted. Far from being viewed as “the pillar and buttress of truth” (I Tim 3:15), the Christian Church finds itself in an increasingly hostile climate in many parts of the world. Accordingly, if those within the Church want to see more people love the same Church that we love and that our Lord “obtained with his own blood” (Acts 20:28), then we must be better equipped to answer questions within the contexts and cultures that don’t share our basic assumptions about truth, much less the Church.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Basics 2016: We Do Not Lose Heart - Video and Audio

On May 9-11, 2016, over 1,200 pastors and ministry leaders gathered at Parkside Church for a time of learning and refreshment. Alistair Begg invited Josh Moody, Senior Pastor at College Church in Wheaton, Illinois, D.A. Carson from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois, and Jonathan Holmes from Parkside Church to join him for this year's conference. 

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Exploring the Identity of Jesus Christ

In this month’s featured resource, Ichthus: Jesus Christ, God’s Son, the Saviour, insightful authors Sinclair Ferguson and Derek Thomas, explore nine defining moments in Jesus’ life and how these significant events led to widespread conversion in the early church.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Defining Moments in the Life of Jesus Christ

By exploring nine defining moments in the life of Jesus, Alistair Begg’s friends Sinclair Ferguson and Derek Thomas, share the truths that compelled first century believers to affirm that Jesus is the Son of God.

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Topics: Monthly Resources

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