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Blog 5 Sermons on the Sabbath

5 Sermons on the Sabbath

Many of us give little thought to how we spend the Lord’s Day. In fact, any attempt at maintaining the sanctity of the Sabbath is often seen as nothing more than religious legalism. So what are we to do with this day of rest? In these sermons, Alistair Begg helps us examine the contemporary Christian Sabbath and consider the possibility that our theology has been replaced with expediency in regard to this issue.

Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath (Luke 6:1-11) — Listen | Download MP3

Is there any abiding significance in the Fourth Commandment, which calls us to “remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy”? In this sermon Alistair Begg teaches on two incidents from Luke in which the Pharisees sought to accuse Jesus for His actions on the Sabbath. In these interactions Jesus declared and demonstrated His authority over the Sabbath. If we are driven by custom rather than conviction in our approach of the Sabbath we will fail to understand the gift of this day established for our good.

The Delight of the Sabbath (Luke 6:1-11)Listen | Download MP3

How we view the Sabbath often leans either towards strict legalism or boundless freedom, but how should the Christian honor the Lord’s day? Jesus’s interactions with the Pharisees provide insight into the meaning and purpose of the Sabbath. Preaching from Luke 6, Alistair Begg confronts listeners with the importance of this issue that is doctrinal, biblical, personal, and practical. The uniqueness of the day, understood from a biblical perspective, should be a source of great delight for the Christian.

The Gift of the Sabbath (Luke 6:1-11)Listen | Download MP3

There are two extremes that permeate our understanding of the Sabbath– rigid formalism and unbridled freedom. Both are opposed to God’s design for this day set aside to remember and worship Him. Alistair Begg shares three ideas to help us rightly view what the Lord’s day should be. The Sabbath is a gift to be enjoyed, a priority to be recognized, and a cadence that gives life rhythm. This day is not an excuse for idleness, and it is not an added burden. Instead it provides opportunity for rest, worship, remembrance, and hope.

Holy Day or Holiday — Part One (Exodus 20:8-11)Listen | Download MP3 | (Also part of the series Pathway to Freedom)

It’s easy to dismiss Sabbath observance as old-fashioned or culturally irrelevant. Without a conviction that God Himself has set the Lord’s Day apart from every other, we are likely to disregard its significance or fall into externalism. In this message on the Fourth Commandment, Alistair Begg describes the importance of recognizing one day in seven as God’s provision for our benefit.

Holy Day or Holiday — Part Two (Exodus 20:8-11)Listen | Download MP3

If the command to set apart the Lord’s Day continues to have significance today, then we must wrestle with what that means in practical terms. Alistair Begg encourages us to consider that, like the rest of God’s law, the Fourth Commandment is relevant to Christians and non-Christians alike. Sabbath observance can be a means through which men and women are convicted of sin and brought under the instruction of the Bible, and it can be a source of great joy for Christians who set apart the Lord’s Day for worship.

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