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Blog Resources for Worry and Anxiety

Resources for Worry and Anxiety

While Scripture instructs us to cast all our anxieties on the Lord, our lives unfortunately are often marked by anxiousness and worry. God’s Word helpfully addresses this side of the human experience and points us to faith in Christ, which strengthens our inner security and peace. 

These recommended resources are suggested to help you better understand the root cause of anxiety and depression and point you toward some measure of relief.  


Blogs Books Devotionals Sermons Wallpapers

10 Bible Verses on Worry and Anxiety
A Word for the Anxious
Hymn: "All Your Anxiety" By Edward H. Joy
Winter in the Soul: Lessons on Depression from Psalm 13

Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers
by Dane C. Ortlund available from Crossway
Anxiety: Knowing God's Peace (31-Day Devotionals for Life)
Anxiety: Knowing God's Peace
by Paul Tautges available from P&R Publishing

Front Cover - Strength for the Weary

Strength for the Weary
by Derek Thomas available from Ligonier

The Hand of God

The Hand of God
by Alistair Begg available from Moody Publishers

amazon purchase link

Mindscape: What to Think about Instead of Worrying
by Timothy Z. Witmer available from New Growth Press
image of Deserted by God
Deserted by God?
by Sinclair B. Ferguson available from Banner of Truth

Choose Your Refuge
Choose Your Refuge
Holy Anxiety
Holy Anxiety
Embraced by Christ
Embraced by Christ
A Sinner, but Forgiven
A Sinner, but Forgiven
Say Goodbye to Anxiety
Say Goodbye to Anxiety
No Cause for Anxiety
No Cause for Anxiety
A Heavy Heart
A Heavy Heart
Every Promise Fulfilled
Every Promise Fulfilled
Sovereign Lord, Gentle Shepherd
Sovereign Lord, Gentle Shepherd
A Yoke of Freedom
A Yoke of Freedom
Anxiety’s Antidote
Anxiety’s Antidote
The Conquering Lion
The Conquering Lion

A Biblical Approach to Anxiety





Dealing with Depression


Jesus Calms the Storm


Peace — Part Two


All Your Anxiety


Why Worry? God’s in Charge!


My Times Are in Your Hands


New Every Morning

Only when we come to know the true and living God does the enjoyment of life's blessings feed into lasting joy. - Alistair Begg
God is not only willing but also fully able to help us in our time of need. We have no cause for worry, fear, or dismay. He has committed Himself to strengthen and uphold us. - Alistair Begg
In the midst of triumphs and trials alike, here is what can give you stability: that God's steadfast love and mercies toward you will never expire. - Alistair Begg
In all life’s ups and downs, remember that you are not bobbing around on the sea of chance, nor are you held in the grip of blind deterministic forces; you are being trained in the school of God’s providence. - Alistair Begg
The resurrected Savior came to the disciples in their darkness, fear, and sadness, and He brought transformation. Their unbelief turned to belief, their sadness to gladness. - Alistair Begg
If you find yourself in the desert, don’t just find a broom tree to lie down under. Don’t assume your best days lie behind you. God has a purpose for you and me. He completes what He begins. - Alistair Begg
We may often forget to meditate upon the perfections of our Lord, but He never ceases to remember us. - C.H. Spurgeon

Dangers, Toils, and Snares

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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.