Bring Truth For Life to Listeners Around the World

“Originally from Panama, my wife and I lived in Florida for a while and began listening to Truth For Life. Four years ago, we returned home. I travel an hour to and from work each day and while driving across the Isthmus, I’m able to listen to Truth For Life through the mobile app. The main things truly are the plain things – truth, love, grace, and God. Thank you for preaching the Word. And for reaching me all the way here in Panama!” — Dave from Panama

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

Free Online Teaching...

The generous and consistent giving from listeners covers the expenses associated with distributing all of Alistair’s teaching online and through the Truth For Life mobile apps. In fact, because of the steady income from monthly donors called Truthpartners, all of Alistair’s teaching can be heard, or downloaded, free by anyone, anywhere in the world!

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

Thank You for Your Calls!

Truth For Life answers hundreds of incoming phone calls each week from listeners across the country – and from around the globe. Eight dedicated team members comprise Truth For Life’s Customer Service staff and are privileged to speak with many wonderful listeners and Truthpartners each day.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

Touch Someone's Life You May Never Meet 'til Heaven

“I really appreciate Truth For Life, especially the series Intended For Good on the topic of Providence. I’ve had three bouts with cancer. Initially I resented this struggle and focused only on how things could be different. But now, I’m able to see my illness and trials under God’s will and providential care. This is allowing me to share my faith and help others in a way that I couldn’t have otherwise. Thank you Truth For Life, for bringing the Bible teaching of Alistair Begg to the world!” —Julie from Iowa

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

How Can Truth For Life Offer Resources at Cost?

At Truth For Life, it’s our passion to teach the Bible so that unbelievers will be converted, believers will be established, and local churches will be strengthened.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

Partner with Truth For Life to Spread the Gospel

“I came across Truth For Life after the unexpected death of my 29-year-old daughter. She was my only child. I would lay awake at night alone, pondering the reality of my loss and wondering if I should continue to live. Today, almost 10 months after her death, I am still alive. I truly believe the Bible-teaching messages from Truth For Life and the love of Jesus Christ are what keep me moving forward. Thank you.” –Anonymous Listener

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

Seeing Unbelievers Converted...

“Many of my friends and I have become converted, transformed lovers of Christ! We listen to Truth For Life by downloading sermons using the mobile app and have grown in faith by hearing God’s Word. My life has been totally changed by this 25-minute program. Give all the glory to God!” – Jack from Virginia

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

Encore 2016 - A Collection of Listener Favorites


The Encore series is a collection of listener favorites from the past year. Encore 2016 covers a variety of topics from both the Old and New Testament including marriage, eternal life, submitting to God, church membership and more. Some of the messages were part of larger series that were aired on Truth For Life in the past year. Below are the messages that have been chosen for Encore 2016 along with the corresponding series.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

You May Never Know...

“Be assured that Truth For Life’s teaching has a massive ripple effect. I’m a teacher and listen to the program each morning on the mobile app. I then take the messages I hear from Alistair and share them with over 150 middle school students each day – the best that I can in a public school, anyway. I also serve in a weekly club that helps over 40 middle-schoolers grow in their Christian faith. Thank you for teaching me and countless others around the globe as we strive to share the Word of God with others.” – Pam from Florida

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

What Makes Radio Production Possible?

Truth For Life’s audio producer, Nancy, prepares the program you hear daily on Truth For Life.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

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