Watch Alistair Begg host Basics 2018 live today!
Today at 3:00 p.m. EST, Alistair Begg will welcome over 1,200 pastors and church leaders from around the world to the 2018 Basics Conference—and you can watch it all live and for free online at!
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Watch the 2018 Basics Conference free live stream with Alistair Begg!
One of the ways your giving helps strengthen the local church is through the annual Basics Conference hosted by Alistair Begg, where pastors and church leaders are encouraged to preach God's Word faithfully.
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Watch the 2018 Basics Conference online live!
You can watch Alistair Begg live as he hosts the 2018 Basics Conference for pastors and church leaders May 7–9.
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Was Jesus' Burial the End? (6 of 7)
In the wake of Jesus' death, the actions of those who came to claim his body revealed their hearts: as far as they were concerned, the Jesus movement was all fizzled out. As Jesus was buried, though, a few faithful disciples watched and waited. Join with Alistair Begg as we look on to see the memory of this dispiriting burial soon replaced by a glorious hope.
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Why Did Jesus Endure the Cross? (3 of 7)
The Roman army was one of the most rigorous, well-trained military outfits the world had ever seen. How astonishing, then, is the picture the gospels paint of the Roman soldiers' cruel ridicule of Jesus-the robe they mockingly draped on his shoulder, the crown of thorns they crushed on his brow, the scepter of reeds they used to beat him. Why, Alistair Begg asks, would Jesus endure such a grotesque, gratuitous display? Watch to find out.
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Jesus: Can We Be Neutral? (2 of 7)
Pontius Pilate was a man of authority-and he knew it. Proud, shrewd, and eager to appease the crowd of accusers before him, he was prepared to attempt the impossible: confronting Jesus face-to-face, yet remaining uncommitted. But is such neutrality toward Christ truly an option? Watch as Alistair Begg points us to the Bible's answer.
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Pilate Asks a Crucial Question: Who is Jesus? (1 of 7)
After he was betrayed, denied, and suddenly arrested, Jesus was brought to the palace of the Roman governor for questioning. As Pontius Pilate would soon discover, though, it wasn't Jesus who was truly on trial--it was himself. With the King of Kings standing before him, Pilate faced crucial questions of his own: Who was this Jesus? Why did he come? What did he do? And did it really matter? As Alistair Begg reminds us, the same vital questions confront us today. Are we prepared to answer them?
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The Witnesses (5 of 7)
As Jesus hung dying on the cross, the disciples who had been by his side for years were suddenly nowhere to be found. In their place, the gospels describe two unlikely witnesses to Jesus' final moments: a Roman centurion and a remnant of faithful women. What did these witnesses see? And how did what they see transform them? Join in as Alistair Begg looks to the Bible for the answers.
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Christ Has Risen! He Has Risen, Indeed! (7 of 7)
The circumstances surrounding Jesus' resurrection were hardly ordinary--nor should we expect them to be! After all, the Creator of the universe had just triumphed over sin and death. Can we really be surprised that he made an unforgettable impression? Listen in as Alistair Begg unpacks the implications of God's incredible invitation to new life through his Son.
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Sermons on Studying the Bible
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." - 2 Timothy 2:15 (ESV)
The Bible’s power to change us stems from the fact that it is God’s Word, breathed by Him and absolutely trustworthy. Simply agreeing with this truth is not enough, though–in order to hear God speak, we must read His Word. In this selection of messages, Alistair Begg encourages us to read the Scriptures prayerfully every day and apply what we learn, allowing the Word to do its work in our hearts.
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