Alistair Thanks Truthpartner Dr. Hurst from Pennsylvania
Meet Dr. Hurst, a Truthpartner from Pennsylvania whose giving and prayer help bring God's Word through Alistair's teaching to many! Dr. Hurst's love of the Bible compelled him to make supporting Truth For Life a priority.
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How Do We Live a Life Pleasing to God?
Today, in a special program, Alistair Begg sits down with Truth For Life host Bob Lepine to discuss what it looks like when our love for Jesus frames all aspects of our lives. In this candid and casual interview, Alistair draws upon his personal experience, recalling childhood memories, and reflecting on how his relationships and work in pastoral ministry led him to a roadmap for making God's pleasure the chief aim of all we do.
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Alistair Begg on Serving God in Our Every Day Lives (8 of 8)
Our world insists that self-gratification is the key to happiness. The Bible, however, declares that if we wish to experience true joy, we must seek God’s pleasure above all else. Pleasing God is not a matter of personal preference, but a priority that everyone is called to take seriously.
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A Brief Word from Alistair Begg on the Topic of Humility (7 of 8)
Our world insists that self-gratification is the key to happiness. The Bible, however, declares that if we wish to experience true joy, we must seek God’s pleasure above all else. Pleasing God is not a matter of personal preference, but a priority that everyone is called to take seriously.
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Truth For Life is on Streaming TV
Do you have a streaming TV device?
You can now watch Truth For Life with Alistair Begg through our Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, and YouTube channels. There, you can:
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Download the 8 Volume Set (Free) - “A Study in 1 Corinthians” by Alistair Begg
In writing 1 Corinthians, Paul faced the challenge of a church established in the truth but rife with disunity and sin, influenced by a decadent pagan culture in its city. As he encourages the faithful, confronts the wayward, and answers pressing questions, Paul gives us some of the most beloved passages in the New Testament alongside some of the most challenging. It is a letter that deserves our careful study.
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Sermon Downloads are Always Free!
Alistair Begg’s complete archive of Bible-teaching messages are always available to download free of charge. At Truth For Life, we strive to eliminate cost from being a barrier to those who seek a deeper understanding of the salvation found only in Jesus Christ. You can obtain this Bible teaching by visiting our website’s Resource Center and selecting from hundreds of instructional sermons. If you’re not sure where to start, then we recommend some of Alistair’s most requested messages:
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Download (Free) - “A Study in 1 Thessalonians” by Alistair Begg
The Thessalonian church held a tender place in Paul’s heart because of their working faith. In his first letter to them, he emphasized the life-changing Gospel as the ground for godly living and corporate worship. When the Thessalonians came to believe in Jesus Christ through Paul’s preaching, they experienced God’s power to live holy lives that pleased and glorified Him.
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Ways to Listen to Truth For Life with Alistair Begg
Truth For Life with Alistair Begg proclaims the unchangeable truth of the Bible by teaching verse by verse from Scripture every day. God's Spirit uses the truth of his Word to transform who we are, what we believe, and how we view the world. Therefore, Truth For Life strives to share the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ with everyone, everywhere, without cost as a barrier. Listed below are several ways to listen to Truth For Life.
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Sermons on Worshiping God
Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! — Psalm 100:4 (ESV)
While believers hold many ideas about corporate singing and music in the church, the Bible is clear on God’s directive to worship Him alone in a manner that is spiritual, rational, and grounded in Scripture. In this selection of sermons, Alistair Begg reminds us that our praise, thankfulness, and declaration of trust in God’s steadfast love are based on what we know of Him from His Word.
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