Download (Free) - “Life After Death”

In every generation, one subject remains a source of both fascination and fear: death. Is it really the end? What happens afterward? Even believers will often wonder, “How good do I need to be to enter Heaven?” Before we can answer any questions about our eternal destination, however, we must first understand the significance of Christ’s rising from the dead. At a time when people are increasingly preoccupied with stories of "out-of-body" experiences and reincarnation, Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 15 is unique and striking in its impact, providing the classical Christian discussion of death and resurrection. In this series, Alistair Begg explores the biblical answer to how we can face death with confidence rather than fear. In learning how best to die, we find the key to learning how to live well.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

Honoring the Legacy of Billy Graham

We count it a privilege to add our voices to the vast company giving thanks to God for the life and ministry of Billy Graham. His passion to see unbelieving people become the committed followers of the Lord Jesus was an example to us all. His confidence in the authority and sufficiency of Scripture encouraged all who preach to remind our listeners that this is what “The Bible Says.”

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Topics: Letters From Alistair Begg, Ministry Updates

Download (Free) - “Life in the Spirit - A Study of Romans 8”

What does it mean to be a Christian? How does faith in Jesus make a difference in a believer’s daily experience? In this series of sermons, Alistair Begg addresses these questions by exploring Romans 8 from the perspective of one who is already in Christ. As Jesus’ finished work on the cross is applied in our lives, we receive a new freedom to make choices that please our heavenly Father—and the indwelling Holy Spirit’s power enables us to walk in those choices. We think differently because of our new identity in Christ, knowing that hardships and suffering have a purpose in God’s ultimate plan. Since we are in Christ by His grace, there is no condemnation; and since we are kept by His eternal love, there is no separation between us and Him forever.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

Alistair Begg Remembers Billy Graham

Alistair Begg shares memories of Billy Graham and his ministry.

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Topics: Letters From Alistair Begg, Ministry Updates

Sermons on Dealing with Temptation

"For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted." - Hebrews 2:18 (ESV)

Jesus warned believers that they would face temptation in this world and encouraged them to pray that they would not succumb to it. In these messages, Alistair Begg provides practical, biblical advice on dealing with temptation.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

We've Enhanced Our Website!

When you create your new self-service online account, you will discover several new features!

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Topics: Ministry Updates

Download (Free) 4 Volume Set - “Guard the Truth” by Alistair Begg

Realizing that the end of his life and ministry were near, the Apostle Paul reached out to a young man named Timothy. The letter penned by Paul to a junior pastor focuses on the necessity of passing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the next generation of believers. These messages by Alistair Begg explore the final written words of the great apostle and how vitally important his instruction is for us today.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Thank You for Your Support in 2017!

Thank you for your generous 2017 year-end donation! Your faithful partnership makes it possible for Truth For Life to share the Gospel with men and women around the world without the barrier of cost.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

Sermons on Dealing with Persecution

"Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." - 2 Timothy 3:12 (ESV)

In 2 Timothy, Paul warns us that we will face persecution if we are following Christ. In these messages, Alistair Begg reminds us that we are to respond in a Christ-like manner, and that despite the trials of this world, Christ reigns on an eternal throne.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Listen to Alistair Begg on Amazon Alexa!

If you have an Amazon Alexa or Echo listening device, you can now ask Alexa to play Truth For Life! Simply say, “Alexa, ask Truth For Life to begin today’s program,” and you can hear Alistair at your convenience...on your own schedule.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

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