Video: "Trusting God in the Dark" by Alistair Begg
Everyone experiences disappointment or sadness to some degree. In Psalm 13, David demonstrated what it means to trust God in tough times. Feeling forgotten, forsaken, sorrowful, and subdued, David cried out for God’s consideration and illumination. As he prayed, his perspective changed, and he was able to rejoice—even though his circumstances remained the same. Alistair Begg teaches that when we face difficult times, we must resist self-pity, trusting that God knows what’s best for us and can use even our hard experiences for good.
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Video: "Introducing 1 Samuel" by Alistair Begg
As we launch a new study of 1 Samuel, we remember that although the book’s narrative took place thousands of years ago, it is included in the Bible for our instruction and encouragement. Beginning with barren, brokenhearted Hannah, this story introduces us to ordinary people with real aspirations, fears, and failures who are helpless and hopeless unless God does something. Alistair Begg reminds us that just as the word of God brought light and hope to Hannah’s life, it remains the answer to the crises we face today.
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Video: "A Journey to Jesus" by Alistair Begg
The star of Bethlehem was more than a cosmic wonder; its presence compelled the magi to undertake a journey of eternal significance. Their destination, though, was not a place but a person. Just as the wise men knelt before the Savior, Alistair Begg reminds us that a genuine encounter with Jesus will result in praise and glory to the Father. God is seeking worshippers from all nations and will use any means—including the created order—to draw us to His Son.
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Video: "Love, Light, Joy" by Alistair Begg
Two thousand years ago, the Lord Jesus stepped into human flesh, and the wonder of God’s initiative-taking, all-encompassing love shone into darkness. In this moving Christmas meditation, Alistair Begg invites us to entrust our lives to the guiding light of the Savior’s embrace. Although the world’s shadowy trials bring pain and disappointment, the joy of knowing Christ illuminates the days of those who are kept completely in His care.
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Video: "See Now What God Has Done" by Alistair Begg
The Old Testament is not a haphazard record of historical events, but a cohesive narrative that reveals God’s redemptive purpose. In bondage to sin and unable to uphold the law, God’s people were in need of a Savior. What, then, would God do? Alistair Begg reminds us that “in the fullness of time” Christ was born of a woman and under the law. In order to fulfill all righteousness, He offered Himself as a sacrifice for sinners and redeems all who come to Him in humility and faith.
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Sermons on Christ's Birth
What is Christmas really about? For some, it may be about decorating the Christmas tree, spending time with family and friends, and exchanging gifts. For those in Christ, though, Christmas’s meaning rests solely in celebrating the birth of Christ. In these sermons, Alistair Begg reminds us that behind the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, God has given us the greatest gift of all: His Son, Jesus Christ.
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Video: "God's Dwelling Place" by Alistair Begg
Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the Lord’s temple acknowledged that no earthly dwelling could hold the God of creation. The wonder of the incarnation, Alistair Begg explains, is that an uncontainable God took on flesh and became Immanuel, “God with us.” God's plan has always been a person, not a place. Jesus’ glory outshone that of the temple, and His death enables us to draw near to God. Though ascended to heaven, Christ still dwells among His Church, a new temple of “living stones” unified by the work of the Holy Spirit.
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Video: "The Crux of Christmas" by Alistair Begg
Approaching Christmas as just a sugary holiday “for the kids” leaves us without an answer to our greatest need—reconciliation with God. Alistair Begg encourages us to instead view Christ’s birth in light of His historical, victorious work on the cross. At the heart of the incarnation is a profound mystery: in the fullness of time, God took on flesh to give His life as a ransom for many. Only a cross-centered Christmas will satisfy our heart’s deepest longings.
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Video: "Peace, Love, Grace" By Alistair Begg
Closing his letter to the Ephesians similarly to how he opened it, Paul blessed his readers with the peace, love, and grace of God. Alistair Begg considers each of these elements in turn, pointing out that only God’s grace and love provide a lasting solution to man’s restlessness. When we faithfully believe and trust in Jesus, God’s unwarranted favor triumphs over our brokenness. As a result, we—like Paul—are given a new view of ourselves, others, and God.
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Video: "An Unexpected Encounter" by Alistair Begg
Just when it seemed Philip’s preaching was becoming useful, God sent him to the desert. Philip obeyed—and as a result, he met an Ethiopian eunuch with pressing questions about Jesus. If we believe that God directs our steps, will we view every situation as an opportunity to share the Gospel? Challenging us to make the most of our circumstances, Alistair Begg instructs us on the prerequisites for sharing Christ: an inquiring mind, a prepared heart, and a ready answer.
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