Video: "Tychicus Will Tell You" by Alistair Begg
Although Paul’s background and accomplishments were impressive, none of that mattered to him by the time he wrote to the Ephesians. In his letter’s closing, we glimpse a humble, tenderhearted servant who turned the spotlight on Tychicus, an unsung hero who delivered Paul’s letters and encouraged the church. United by the Gospel, these men direct our gaze to Jesus, teaches Alistair Begg. Their example reminds us that it is faithfulness, not our list of successes, that matters in God’s kingdom.
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Sermons on Legalism
In our attempt to keep God’s law, we are prone to develop our own rules, regulations, and traditions aimed at earning His favor. When we begin to regard such beliefs as the standard to which other people must subscribe, we may eventually lose sight of the Gospel itself. In this selection of sermons, Alistair Begg reminds us that legalism is not the same as pursuing righteousness, and we should be careful not to lead others astray.
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Video: "Pray Also For Me, Part Two" by Alistair Begg
Throughout his sermons and letters, the Apostle Paul attested to prayer’s power and importance not only by exhortation and example, but also by requesting it for himself. As he reached the end of his epistle to the Ephesians, Paul’s specific prayer requests as an ambassador for Christ in chains affirmed his desire to freely proclaim the Gospel with confidence and clarity. When our conviction rests solely in the power of Christ’s name, we stand ready to boldly declare the message and mystery of the Gospel to a dying world.
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Video: "Pray Also For Me, Part One" by Alistair Begg
It’s hard to imagine a more effective minister than Paul–yet even he was no superhero. While we may assume that the spiritually mature need less prayer, Paul exemplified the exact opposite, earnestly requesting prayer for both the words and the boldness to preach the Gospel. Demonstrating how Paul’s humble acknowledgement of his vulnerability made him aware of his need for prayer, Alistair Begg spurs us on to pray for the preaching of God’s Word.
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Video: "All Prayer" by Alistair Begg
Christians know that prayer is essential, but we often struggle with knowing how to pray best. As Paul instructed the Ephesians in wielding the spiritual weapon of prayer, he both exemplified and explained how to pray, when to pray, and what to pray for. Walking us through Paul’s imperatives on prayer, Alistair Begg helps us understand what it means to pray continually, varyingly, and perseveringly for all our brothers and sisters in Christ with God-centered perspective and trust.
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Sermons on Pastoral Ministry
Those in pastoral ministry have a great responsibility in preaching the Gospel to their congregation. Paul repeatedly encouraged Timothy and Titus to teach the good news with clarity and to model humility, integrity and godly character. In these sermons, Alistair Begg encourages pastors to stay focused on God’s Word as the source of inerrant truth and to teach the Bible in a manner that glorifies God.
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Video: "The Sword of the Spirit, Part One" by Alistair Begg
In addition to protective wear, soldiers must also arm themselves for battle. In spiritual warfare, Christian soldiers take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Contemporary culture often regards the Bible as irrelevant, but as Alistair Begg demonstrates, God’s Word is no ordinary book: it speaks with clarity, authority, and veracity, and is necessary for coming to faith. God cannot be found through human investigation, but He reveals Himself generally through His creation, specially through His Word, and ultimately through His Son.
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Video: "The Sword of the Spirit, Part Two" by Alistair Begg
God’s Word—the “Sword of the Spirit”—is necessary not only when we come to faith in Christ, but also as we continue in the Christian life and contend for the faith. Alistair Begg describes the vital role that the Bible plays in the perseverance of all believers, enabling us to respond to Satan’s accusations, hope in times of discouragement, and stay steady in times of doubt. The Sword of the Spirit is suited for the hand of every Christian without distinction, and it is with unashamed confidence in this Word that we make it our aim to persuade others of the hope that we have.
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Video: "The Helmet of Salvation, Part One" by Alistair Begg
Christ has provided us with armor that is sufficient to withstand all of the devil’s accusations, and the helmet of salvation performs the vital function of protecting our minds. In sharp contrast to mindless faith, Alistair Begg stresses the importance of engaging our minds from a Christian perspective and thinking properly about salvation. Not earned or deserved, justification is God’s gift for all who believe. By understanding Scripture and trusting unreservedly in the finished work of Christ, we render Satan’s insinuations powerless.
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Video: "The Helmet of Salvation, Part Two" by Alistair Begg
In order to protect our minds with the helmet of salvation and deflect the blows of the enemy, Christians must think properly about the benefits that Christ has obtained for us. Alistair Begg examines Christ’s work on our behalf, explaining that we have peace with God, access to grace, and a certain, confident hope as the ground for our assurance. With this great salvation in view, Christians can rest confidently in the truth, and we must plead with others to look to Christ and be saved.
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