Video: "It Must Be So" by Alistair Begg
Deserted by His companions, bound, spat upon, beaten, mocked, flogged, and crucified—why did God allow this to happen to His own Son? Why did Jesus freely and willingly give up His life when He could have called legions of angels to His aid? In this special Good Friday message, Alistair Begg explains Scripture’s teaching that these events took place as an expression of God’s divine love for us, in fulfillment of His sovereign plan, and to provide salvation for all who would believe in Christ.
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Share the Truth of the Resurrection with a Friend This Easter Sunday
Eyewitness testimonies, the empty tomb, the striking change in the disciples ... the New Testament provides fact-based evidence that Jesus rose from the dead. In this message, Alistair Begg encourages us to a thoughtful consideration of this central Christian truth, emphasizing the need to trust in Christ for our salvation. Through His Word, Jesus calls each one to faith in the Gospel, and those who believe are called to share His story with a broken world.
Share this extraordinary story of God's plan for our salvation with a friend this Easter Sunday!
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Video: "The Lord Reigns" By Alistair Begg
The world’s chaos may tempt us to cry out, “Is anyone in charge around here?” Reminding us that the Lord Omnipotent still reigns, Alistair Begg examines the biblical clarity, mystery, and security of God’s providence. Our creator and sustainer, God remains sovereign over all things—including rulers and rebels alike. Even when the wicked flourish and we are disheartened, we can trust Him to keep His promises and fulfill His purposes for His glory and our good.
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Video: "That's Not Normal!" By Alistair Begg
When news of Israel’s defeat reached Eli and his pregnant daughter-in-law, their responses were peculiar. Their deepest concern was not their loved ones’ deaths, the child’s unexpected birth, or even their own demises, but that the ark had been captured and God’s glory had departed from Israel. For the church to remain effective, Alistair Begg warns, we must also turn our attention from “me” and “now” to God’s glory as we nurture the next generation in the things of Christ.
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Video: "Misplaced Faith" by Alistair Begg
Defeated by the Philistines, Israel’s army brought the ark of the covenant to Shiloh to assure victory in the next battle—and were soundly beaten again! Their mistake? Failing to recognize their first defeat as punishment for disobedience, they forsook repentance and superstitiously trusted in the ark rather than in the living God. Such misplaced faith is still common today. Rather than defining God by our own terms, Alistair Begg encourages us to know the God of the Bible and glorify Him through our obedience.
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Video: "Speak Lord!" by Alistair Begg
Because Eli’s sons had rejected God’s sacrifice as the basis for forgiveness, the Lord declared judgment against Eli’s house. Acting as God’s prophet, Samuel presented His message to Eli, experiencing for the first time the immense challenge of conveying God’s word—especially the truth of coming wrath. As Alistair Begg explains, though, God’s word will always accomplish His purposes, whether spoken faithfully by Samuel or fully and finally through the Word of God Himself, Jesus Christ.
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Video: "The Word of the Lord" by Alistair Begg
After years of spiritual famine when the word of the Lord was rare and visions infrequent, God broke into the silence through the calling of Samuel. With tender persistence, the Lord called until Samuel recognized His voice. His first assignment? To deliver devastating news to Eli about the coming judgment of the priest’s household. In the same way, Alistair Begg notes, God continues to shine through our own days’ darkness by the light of His Word.
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Video: "Hannah's Prayer" by Alistair Begg
After Samuel’s dedication, Hannah praised God for hearing her prayers and remembering her affliction. The joy expressed by her words, Alistair Begg explains, was rooted not in her circumstances alone, but in what God had done, was doing, and was going to do for His people. Her hope rested in the certainty that God guards the faithful and will triumph over His enemies. Only God, who stepped into the brokenness of our condition, can minister to aching hearts like hers as He works all things according to His good purposes.
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Video: "May the Lord Establish His Word" by Alistair Begg
After years of backsliding, Israel was a spiritually fruitless nation—and, as Alistair Begg explains, Hannah’s barren condition mirrored her people’s predicament. When the Lord granted Hannah a son, then, He answered more than a mother’s prayers: Samuel’s arrival fulfilled God’s covenant promise to establish His Word by providing leadership for Israel. God did not intervene because Hannah or the Israelites earned His favor. Rather, He always acts according to His unfolding plan of redemption and care for His people.
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Video: "Only Her Lips Moved" by Alistair Begg
In times of prolonged suffering, we can easily grow bitter and resentful toward God and others. Unable to conceive year after year, Elkanah’s wife Hannah was familiar with sorrow. This woman of faith did not hide or minimize her pain, though; rather, she brought her affliction before God in prayer. Alistair Begg explains that when we, like Hannah, recognize that our circumstances are under God’s sovereign care, He enables us to find peace and hope even in the midst of unresolved trials.
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