Video: "Why Have You Come Down?" by Alistair Begg
After forty days of Goliath’s taunting, David was dismayed to find Saul and his army still paralyzed by fear. He had no concern for the king’s reward or his brother’s approval. Rather, emboldened by a zeal for God’s glory, he asked the important question: Who can defy God? As Alistair Begg teaches, God would soon use the hands that delivered food to his brothers to deliver something far greater. No one is too great to be defeated by the Almighty, nor too small to be used for His glory.
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Video: "The One Between" by Alistair Begg
The dramatic encounter between David and Goliath is a familiar, though often misunderstood, story. Taunted and challenged by the heavily armored giant, Israel was dismayed and afraid until an unlikely champion stepped up—a “man in between,” armed with just a slingshot! This story’s central message, though, is not a call to emulate David’s heroic behavior. Rather, teaches Alistair Begg, it’s a story about how God uses weakness to triumph over strength, just as Christ Himself, our ultimate champion, defeated death at the cross.
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Video: "The Spirit, Descending and Departing" by Alistair Begg
God chooses to use unlikely people for unlikely tasks in unlikely places. To serve the Lord, we’re not expected simply to muster up adequate inner strength. Rather, God Himself enables us through His Spirit. We see this illustrated in 1 Samuel when the Holy Spirit descended upon David and departed from Saul, radically altering both lives. To do God’s work, cautions Alistair Begg, we need the Spirit’s empowering. His presence is crucial, even as His absence is dreadful.
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Video: "For Myself a King, Part One" by Alistair Begg
When Saul’s disobedience prompted the Lord’s rejection of his kingship, Samuel was sent to anoint a new king over Israel. This time God, not the people, chose the king. Paraded before Samuel, Jesse’s older sons were impressive to the human eye—yet God rejected them in favor of the youngest, David. Although we see with the eyes, explains Alistair Begg, God sees according to His sovereign will and purposes.
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Video: "For Myself a King, Part Two" by Alistair Begg
Those familiar with the story of 1 Samuel know King David as “a man after God’s own heart.” Alistair Begg helps us consider how this description speaks more to God’s character than to David’s. David was not anointed as king because of his personal qualities. Rather, God chose him according to His electing love and perfect will. Many years later, God would choose another King to come from Bethlehem—one even greater, who would be the Savior of His people.
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Watch Alistair Begg on The Pastor Well Podcast
Watch Alistair Begg as he discusses preaching, marriage and long-term ministry on The Pastor Well Podcast with Pastor Hershael York.
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Video: "A Strange Place for a Strange Man" by Alistair Begg
Watch as Alistair Begg speaks during Southern Seminary's Chapel and looks at four aspects of the ministry of John the Baptist.
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Sermons about Expository Preaching
“Expository preaching, the systematic consecutive exposition of the Scriptures, not only begins with God and his glory, but also makes pastors students of the Bible.” - Alistair Begg
Download or listen to sermons by Alistair Begg about expository preaching.
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5 Sermons on Preaching
Download or listen to five sermons from Alistair Begg about Preaching.
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Sermons on Prayer
During times of trouble, we often struggle to pray, and during times of prosperity, we sometimes forget the God who gives us all good things. In this selection of sermons, Alistair Begg reminds us that prayer is an essential part of the Christian life and that we should go to God in prayer with all circumstances.
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