During times of trouble, we often struggle to pray, and during times of prosperity, we sometimes forget the God who gives us all good things. In this selection of sermons, Alistair Begg reminds us that prayer is an essential part of the Christian life and that we should go to God in prayer with all circumstances.
Praying... (Ephesians 6:18) — Listen | Download MP3
Why bother to pray if God has already determined what He will do? Can we change God’s mind? Alistair Begg considers these questions as he examines the mystery, necessity, and activity of prayer. A powerful weapon in spiritual battles, prayer should be framed by the Word of God and prompted, enabled, and guided by the Holy Spirit. Not everyone is free to approach God as Father, though; to truly pray in the Spirit, we must first trust in the saving work of Christ.
The Priority of Prayer (1 Peter 4:7) — Listen | Download MP3
Sharing the instruction that he received from Christ, Peter makes clear to his readers that prayer is necessary and important in the lives of Christians. Because prayer is the chief expression of our relationship to God it should exist as a fundamental part of the Christian life. In this sermon Alistair Begg points us to the promise of Christ’s return, providing six principals to help Christians fully understand why God intends for his followers to give time and attention to the practice of prayer.
Praying Properly (1 Thessalonians 5:25-26) — Listen | Download MP3
Our adoption into the family of God brings the unique privilege of praying for each other’s needs. In fact, Alistair Begg shows us that there is nothing more significant that we can do for our brothers and sisters in Christ than to pray for them. When we pray in faith, and in accordance with God’s promises, we can be confident that our requests will be fulfilled.
Public Prayer: Its Importance and Scope (1 Timothy 2:1-8) — Listen | Download MP3
Criticizing those in positions of leadership is common, even among Christians. Alistair Begg reminds us that because Christ died so that all may be saved, we should pray for all, including our leaders. Rather than complain, we should accept God’s providence and seek to please Him in our conversations.
Prayer - Learning by Example (Daniel 9:1-19) — Listen | Download MP3
When prayers become cold, passionless, self-serving requests of God rather than God-glorifying, passionate communion with Him, then it is time to take a step back and re-examine the awesome character of God. In Daniel 9:1-19, we learn how to live in the realm of intimate communion with God from Daniel's example of faithful, God-honoring, daily prayer.
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