Download or listen to five sermons from Alistair Begg about Preaching.
On Being a Pastor (Ephesians 4:11-12) — Listen | Download MP3
What does it mean to be called to the position of pastor and teacher? Both an inward and outward charge, God enables those whom He has called with every good gift as supplied through the work of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Alistair Begg suggests four assurances by which pastors and teachers can boldly endure hardships and press on when caring for the flock given to them in Christ.
Pastoral Care (1 Thessalonians 3:1-5) — Listen | Download MP3
Grieved by a prolonged separation from the church at Thessalonica, the Apostle Paul sent a representative to them. As Alistair Begg explores the motive and mission of this man, Timothy, we gain an important insight into what pastoral care means. Biblical evangelism involves a process of strengthening and encouragement, and we must be willing to exercise both with great affection in the places we are called to serve.
The Preacher: John the Baptist (Luke 3:1-20) — Listen | Download MP3
What made John the Baptist such a successful preacher? As we study the third chapter of Luke we learn that the right ingredients for good preaching don't meet modern expectations, and that the challenge of John's message is just as vital for us as it was for his first hearers.
Communicating the Exclusivity of the Gospel (Romans 1:16-17) — Listen | Download MP3
Telling the truth is a tough business, especially in a culture that rejects the idea of truth as that which is fixed, universal, objective, or absolute. Alistair Begg addresses a group of pastors on how to effectively communicate the exclusivity of the Gospel.
Pastor and People (2 Timothy 2:14-15) — Listen | Download MP3
What does a healthy church look like? In 2 Timothy 2:14-15, we learn that one distinguishing mark is a pastor committed to the Word of God. As Alistair Begg explains, pastors must ground their ministry in the Gospel while the people resist the temptation to quarrel over nonessentials. When this happens, God works through His Word, by His Spirit, in His people, and churches grow in maturity and godliness.
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