“Life Is Sacred”: What That Means, and Why It Matters in a Post-Dobbs World


The Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overruled Roe v. Wade, has brought an old, familiar accusation before Christians around the United States: “The Bible doesn’t say anything about abortion.”

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How to Stay Christian at College: Three Timeless Truths

It has never been easy to be a college student. You face pressure from every side to answer the perennial question: So, what are you going to do with the rest of your life? That’s not to mention the social stressors of figuring out where you belong, and perhaps of being away from home for the first time. Your years at university can be thrilling, yes, but they can also be daunting.

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Steady Hope for Storm-Tossed Families

Today, we are living through what is arguably the most rapid change in family structure in human history. Standards and principles that were once commonplace now seem on the verge of extinction. As David Brooks puts it, “The sexual revolution has come and gone, and it’s left us with no governing norms of family life, no guiding values, no articulated ideals.”1 In such a cultural climate, it is absolutely vital for us to know what we believe about the role of the family, where we belong in relation to the family, and how, as outposts of God’s kingdom, our families ought to operate.

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“He Set My Feet upon a Rock”

“He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.” (Psalm 40:2)

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“You Are Not Your Own”

It is a countercultural, widely unacceptable notion to say you are not the owner of your own body. Again and again we instead read or hear things like this: “You are your own person. What you do with your body is entirely up to you. It’s nobody else’s business.” So when we read Paul’s reminder to the Corinthian church in 1 Corinthians 6:19–20, it hits like a ballistic missile, exploding the mythologies of our day.

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Would You Leave Everything to Follow Jesus?

If we were to conduct a survey with only one question on it, “What does it mean to follow Jesus Christ?” we would receive many different answers. Some would say that following Jesus means being religious, others that it means attending church, and still others that it means learning what Jesus taught, putting into practice the Sermon on the Mount, or loving your neighbor. But while these responses all get at part of the whole truth, their sum would not provide a complete answer.

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Freedom in Christ May Not Be What You Think

Freedom in Christ is one of the great benefits of knowing God. Many Christians rightly value this wonderful gift. It’s common, however, for people to tout this freedom as a rationale for doing what they want when they want with whomever they want. Believers with a mistaken notion of Christian freedom may watch things they shouldn’t watch, can be influenced by people they shouldn’t imitate, and can say things they shouldn’t say, all the while forgoing biblical instruction and Christian fellowship. In the words of Peter, they are “using … freedom as a cover-up for evil” (1 Peter 2:16).

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Have You Forgotten Your First Love?

The first-century church in Ephesus did many things right. The risen and ascended Jesus Himself commended the church for its arduous work for the Gospel, its faithfulness to Him in the face of persecution, and its commitment to the truth (Rev. 2:2–3). But despite all this high praise, the task-oriented, tough-minded, truth-telling fellowship at Ephesus lacked a crucial element. In His letter to the Ephesian church in the book of Revelation, Jesus said, “I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first” (Rev. 2:4).

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10 Bible Verses about Faith

Hebrews 11:1–2“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation.”

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The Good Thing about Bad Days

“Life is tough, and then you die.” Maybe you’ve heard that sentiment in a song, read it on a bumper sticker, or scrolled past something similar on social media. Perhaps it lacks some nuance, but in a way, it is actually quite accurate: life in this world is often challenging, and we are all going to leave it behind one day.

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