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Blog What Does the Bible Say about Spiritual Gifts?

What Does the Bible Say about Spiritual Gifts?

What does the Bible say about spiritual gifts? How are we to use our gifts within the body of Christ? Listen or download these sermons by Alistair Begg about spiritual gifts. 

Having Gifts that Differ (Romans 12:3-8) — Listen | Download MP3

God's design is that the local church matures as individuals exercise their gifts for the good of the whole. In this message from Romans 12, Alistair Begg points out that the encouragement to use our gifts comes with a necessary warning to avoid pride. We must use whatever gifts God has given us in humility so that the Church will be built up to the glory of God.

Vital Signs (1 Peter 4:7-11)Listen | Download MP3 | Purchase CD ($1.25)

In the same way that there are vital signs which show that the body is alive, there are vital signs that measure the health of the Body of Christ. Alistair Begg shares how prayer, love, hospitality, service, and worship are all necessary qualities for a church to survive. With the ultimate goal of giving glory to God, we are to love and serve those around us.

The Friendship Factor — Part One (Colossians 4:10-14)Listen | Download MP3

In the final greetings of Colossians, we peer into the Apostle Paul’s heart. Alistair Begg shows us Paul’s great capacity to love others by eagerly sharing his ministry with them and responding with gratitude to those who assisted him. Paul’s companions differed in backgrounds and personalities, yet each played a vital role in the spread of the Gospel. We can rejoice that God uses both our shortcomings and our strengths to support each other in the work of His kingdom.

The Friendship Factor — Part Two (Colossians 4:10-14) Listen | Download MP3 | Purchase CD ($1.25)

Our daily lives overflow with promotions that celebrate independence. Society declares that we answer only to ourselves. As Paul closes his letter to the Colossians, however, his life demonstrates quite the opposite. Alistair Begg explains that Paul modeled a biblical dependence on others. Like Paul, we will not fully understand our identity in Christ in isolation. We need the fellowship of Christians to keep us accountable and to embolden our witness.

We Belong Together — Part One (Romans 12:3-8)Listen | Download MP3

Once we submit ourselves to the lordship of Jesus, the immediate effect isn’t necessarily dramatic activity, but rather genuine humility. Examining Paul’s exhortation to think about our identity and role within the kingdom of God, Alistair Begg explains that a biblical view of ourselves as recipients of God's mercy is the foundation for exercising our spiritual gifts. For the saints of God, humility, not ambition, is the root of healthy relationships.

We Belong Together — Part Two (Romans 12:3-8)Listen | Download MP3

No matter how God has equipped an individual, the purpose for our spiritual gifts is the same: the harmony, well-being, and growth of the body of Christ. In this message, Alistair Begg reminds us that our gifts are meant not for our own personal fulfillment, but for the impact and growth of the community of believers. As followers of Jesus, we belong to each other, and we gather together not only to receive, but also to give.


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