Find Hope in the Midst of Grief When You Read ‘Seasons of Sorrow.’

For all the challenges we face in life, nothing is more difficult than losing someone we love. And when the loss is unexpected or tragic, our faith can surely be put to the test. In Seasons of Sorrow: The Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God, pastor and Christian blogger Tim Challies tells a story of unthinkable loss— the sudden death of his twenty-year-old son—and how he kept the Gospel in view as he grieved.  

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Prepare for Gospel Conversations by Reading the Book Confronting Jesus

Jesus asked His disciples two important questions: “Who do people say that I am?” and “Who do you say that I am?” The book Confronting Jesus: 9 Encounters with the Hero of the Gospel answers both of these questions by drawing directly from all four Gospels. It lays a solid foundation that examines nine characteristics of Jesus’ identity so you can clearly articulate who Jesus is and all that He accomplished.

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Learn Five Essential Tips for How to Share the Gospel

Do you struggle to initiate Gospel discussions because evangelism feels intimidating? Matt Smethurst’s new book Before You Share Your Faith: Five Ways to Be Evangelism Ready will not only encourage you to talk about Jesus with confidence but also remind you why we as Christians should share our faith in the first place. 

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Topics: Monthly Resources

How Has Christianity Changed the World?

We know we’re living in a time when the perception of Christian values isn’t always favorable. But the truth is that Christian values have shaped our modern world in many positive ways. How Christianity Transformed the World explores the stories of Christian men and women who have influenced education, medicine, philanthropy, human rights, and other foundations of society. 

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Topics: Monthly Resources

How Has Christianity Shaped Human Values? Read The Air We Breathe

How often do you think about the oxygen that fills your lungs? Like the air we breathe, Christian values infuse our sense of morality in ways that are most often subconscious. The book The Air We Breathe: How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality is a fascinating exploration of the values our contemporary society describes as natural or innate, while pointing out that these values are, in fact, not innate but given to us by our Creator.

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Overcome Doubt. Read Assurance: Resting in God’s Salvation

Have you ever doubted God’s promises? Perhaps you’ve experienced suffering or hardship and wondered, “If God is powerful and loves me, why is He allowing this to happen?” Or maybe you question His commitment to truly forgive you for your sins. You may struggle with nagging questions like “Are my sins really forgiven?” or “If I’m really saved, why do I keep sinning?”

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Topics: Monthly Resources

Recommended Easter Reading: Man of Sorrows, King of Glory

What better time is there to reflect deeply on the person and work of Jesus than in the days leading up to Easter? Man of Sorrows, King of Glory: What the Humiliation and Exaltation of Jesus Mean for Us is a thought-provoking survey of what Jesus accomplished and continues to accomplish as our Prophet, Priest, and King.

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In Preparation for Easter, Read “With a Mighty Triumph”

Have you ever wondered what our lives would be like if Jesus had stayed in the grave? The apostle Paul considered this notion, and his thoughts on the subject are explored in the book With a Mighty Triumph: Christ’s Resurrection and Ours. Resurrection is a key doctrine of the Christian faith, and this book discusses two wonders of Christianity: that Christ was raised from the dead and that the same Spirit who raised Christ will one day raise all who trust in Him as well.

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