Special Offer: Our Most Popular Series of All Time!
Sibling rivalry, jealousy, betrayal, and imprisonment—there's no shortage of drama in the entangled story of Joseph as recorded in the book of Genesis. How did a boy left by his own brothers to die in a pit become a man of prominence in Egypt? Alistair Begg unpacks this epic drama in the captivating 24-message study titled The Hand of God.
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What Were the Very First Christmas Songs?
This Christmas dive deep into the beauty of the very first songs to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus. In his book, Christmas Playlist, Alistair Begg offers us a wonderful respite from the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season by inviting us to enjoy the lyrics of the songs sung at Christ’s birth. Mary, Zechariah, the Angels, and Simeon give insight into what God is like, why we need Him, how He came, and how He accomplishes His purpose in the Lord Jesus Christ.
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Discover the Depths of God's Faithfulness in the Life of Joseph
Bitter jealousy, familial strife, betrayal, and deceit—such conflict could all be pulled straight from today’s headlines. All of this discord is also found in the extraordinary life of Joseph, as recorded in the book of Genesis. From the depths of a pit in the Canaanite wilderness to the height of prosperity in the palaces of Egypt, Joseph’s life reflected resolute courage, character, and devotion to God in the face of despair, hopelessness and fear.
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Download — “The Hand of God: Finding His Care in All Circumstances”
All of Scripture declares that God’s hand is active in shaping our every affair, from our deepest trials to our loftiest triumphs. Few stories declare this theme more powerfully than the dramatic account of Joseph, son of Jacob. Through this seminal tale of jealousy, betrayal, faithfulness, and astonishing forgiveness, the Bible invites us to rejoice in God’s divine sovereignty and providential care for those whom He loves.
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How to ReSet in a Burnout Culture
Men: Do your brains feel overused and exhausted? Are your marriages not what they once were? Are you falling behind in your work, often feeling overwhelmed and stressed?
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Looking for a Wonderful Book to Teach Children about Prayer?
Prayer, God’s gift to His beloved children of all ages, provides an avenue for conversation with our Father. But we sometimes complicate what God intends to be simple and natural. How can we teach our children to pray?
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Is Singing Truly Essential in Church Worship?
Imagine a piece of candy, brightly wrapped, sitting unclaimed on a counter. We’d probably snatch up the treat, toss aside the cover, and indulge in a delight of sweetness. The wrapping compels the pursuit, but the inside contains the treasure.
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Sermons on the Holy Spirit
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you. — John 14:16—17 (ESV)
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Featured Resource: 'Sing!' by Keith and Kristyn Getty
Singing to God is what we’re created, commanded, and compelled to do. Christ-filled, Spirit-prompted singing changes our hearts and minds, and in turn can change our families—and even this world. In their latest book, lyricists and worship leaders Keith and Kristyn Getty challenge us to sing to the Lord as they provide a treasure trove of lost principles rediscovered for a new generation of worshippers. Request you copy of Sing! when you donate to Truth For Life.
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Alistair Begg on Following Jesus in a Pluralistic Culture (6 of 8)
Our world insists that self-gratification is the key to happiness. The Bible, however, declares that if we wish to experience true joy, we must seek God’s pleasure above all else. Pleasing God is not a matter of personal preference, but a priority that everyone is called to take seriously.
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