Download (Free) - “Good News, Great Joy”

What is the purpose behind the celebration of Christmas? For those who are in Christ, the holiday’s meaning lies solely in the birth of Jesus. Based on his own careful investigation, Luke’s account of Christ’s birth is more than a heartwarming story or a call to blind faith—it is true, historical, and life-changing. It is good news, and it brings great joy to a world darkened by sin.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Video: Don and Kathie share their Truth For Life experience...

"When the Lord Jesus comes to take up residency in our lives...what a radical transformation that brings."
-Alistair Begg

Thank you for making an important year-end donation to this listener-funded ministry.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

Special USB Offer From Truth For Life!

It’s easy to become distracted and overwhelmed by the trouble in our world. Court decisions, refugees, and hostile governments can cause us to wonder if God is still in charge. Yet similar struggles have always existed and this brand new study from Alistair Begg in the book of Daniel reminds us that God sets up and removes earthly leaders, and His sovereignty reigns supreme from day to day, and from age to age.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Through His Word, God Changes Lives in the Most Unlikely Places. Please Make an Important Year-End Donation to Truth For Life.

“Thank you for sending me books to help my walk with Christ. I’m currently reading "Pathway to Freedom". The books help me, and others here, to learn a different way of life—and that way of life is as new creations in Christ. God uses prisons to break men down and humble us because we’re broken vessels. Thank you so very much for allowing God to use you to change lives. He can make water pour from a rock and change an ex-skinhead’s heart into a loving heart.”

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

You can Give to Truth For Life with Paypal!

Truth For Life now accepts donations via Paypal*. Paypal is a service that enables you to pay and make donations without sharing your financial details with organizations.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

Your Gift to Truth For Life Helps People Everywhere Hear God's Word Through the Teaching of Alistair Begg.


“I’m so grateful that I found Truth For Life on a local radio station. I’ve been living in my car off and on for two years. I’ve always had a grounded faith in the Bible and in our Heavenly Father, but I was beginning to doubt His existence, and yet I kept searching for answers as to why I’m facing such a tremendous trial. I found Truth For Life and the teaching started speaking straight to my heart. I can't thank you enough for your ministry!”  

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

Learn How God has Used Truth For Life to Change Lives

"When the Lord Jesus comes to take up residency in our lives...what a radical transformation that brings."
-Alistair Begg

Please give to Truth For Life so that God's Word can continue to reach millions around the world every day of the year. Thank you.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

Download Sermons by Alistair Begg on ‘Wisdom’

Download or listen to sermons by Alistair Begg on wisdom. 

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Download (Free) - “They Just Don't Get It. Do We?”

In the final weeks of His life, Jesus set out for Jerusalem. Along the way, He began His most explicit teaching on His purpose: to die on a cross and rise from the dead. But the disciples couldn’t comprehend His teaching’s significance; their concept of the Messiah involved not a crucified servant who would die in shame but a warrior who would lead them to triumph and glory. While Jesus focused on His pending suffering, death, and resurrection, the disciples focused on their own importance. They just didn’t get it!

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Download (Free) — “The Work of the Word”

“Read your Bible.” This is a common instruction in Christian circles—but do we stop to consider the reason for it? While it’s always helpful to be reminded of our need for biblical truth, it’s also vital to consider Scripture’s authority. The apostle Paul’s passion was to help followers of Christ understand not only the usefulness of studying God’s Word and hearing it preached but also the foundation for doing so.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

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