Download (Free) - “No Simple Answers - Acknowledging God’s Sovereignty Through Suffering”


Have you ever asked God why there is suffering and injustice in the world? The Old Testament prophet Habakkuk did just that. Living some 600 years before the birth of Christ, Habakkuk looked on the evil and disobedience of Israel and asked God two questions that many still ask today: why does God tolerate evil and how long will it continue unpunished? God’s answer to Habakkuk shocked the prophet, but Habakkuk responded with awe and wonder in the face of the all-powerful and all-knowing God. In this series from the Book of Habakkuk, Alistair Begg reminds us that these verses, like all of the Bible, are beneficial to us. As we face our own difficult questions about the evil, chaos, disease, and sin in the world around us, the book of Habakkuk teaches us that the ways of God are not simple. He is still powerfully in control, and while we might not understand His answers, He always acts to accomplish His eternal and perfect purposes.

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Monthly Resources

Thank you for your support in 2015.

Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel!

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Topics: Letters From Alistair Begg, Ministry Updates

God's Word Through Truth For Life is a Blessing to Many. Please Support this Listener-Funded Ministry.

“I worked as a ‘ground man’ for a local tree company because it was one of the only jobs available. I spent many days splitting wood all by myself, wondering if God had forgotten about me as I watched those around me get new jobs and move on with their lives. I listened to Truth For Life on podcast, and if it wasn’t for the generous giving of others, I would not have been able to fill my days with solid, biblical teaching. Now, God has blessed me with a new job. I became a Truthpartner so that others who are in the same situation can fill their hearts and minds with Christ.” 

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

Does Your Giving to Truth For Life Make a Difference?

Does your year-end giving to Truth For Life really make a difference?

The answer is "Yes!" 

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

You Never Know How Far and Wide Your Gift to Truth For Life Will Help Proclaim the Gospel.

“I am in Talas, Kyrgyzstan as a Peace Corps volunteer and in the midst of Islam. The podcasts are priceless to me here, so far away. Truth For Life is a light and my strength in the Word. I listen on my three-mile walk to work and back each day on my smartphone. Thank you for your voice that speaks Truth. Truth For Life is my dear friend so far away.”

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

Your Important Year-End Gift to Truth For Life Helps Proclaim the Gospel to People Around the World.

“I've listened to Truth For Life for many years and have never had the opportunity to say ‘thank you.’ I live where the mountains come together in southeastern Kentucky. You can walk off my back porch and climb up a huge mountain. I thank God that I can sit in my home and listen, learn, grow, and be blessed by your sermons. I cannot express my thanks enough to you and your staff for all they're doing to make it possible for people to hear you right here in this very remote area and all over the world.”

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

Your Gift to Truth For Life Helps Bring the Comfort of God's Word to People You May Never Meet This Side of Heaven.

“I believe the first time I listened to your radio broadcast was right after I lost my son to drug addiction. The sermon was, ‘My Times Are in Your Hands.’ I can't describe to you how God used your teaching to begin the long process of healing and restoration in me. Even now, over seven years later, your sermons and devotions feed my thirst for spiritual growth. I have lost track of how many others I have encouraged to listen to Truth For Life. I love how you keep the main things, the plain things and the plain things, the main things. To God alone be the glory forever.” 

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

When You Give to Truth For Life, You Never Know Who is Benefiting From Your Generous Support.

“I am a traveling nurse and listen to Truth For Life Monday through Friday. I can't tell you what a blessing your sermons are to me. I’m so thankful for the Truth For Life app so I can listen in my car as I travel. I get to witness to my patients, many of whom are home bound, and I have shared the app with them so they can listen too.” 

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Topics: Ministry Updates, Listener Stories

Merry Christmas from Alistair and Susan Begg

From Alistair and Susan Begg with granddaughters Maggie, Romy, Leona, and Matilda.

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Topics: Letters From Alistair Begg, Ministry Updates

God's Spirit Transforms Us Through His Word

"Christianity is a radical shift in the way we view the world. It turns our upside-down worlds the right way up."
-Alistair Begg


Thank you for supporting this listener-funded ministry.

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Topics: Ministry Updates

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