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Blog Download (Free) - “No Simple Answers - Acknowledging God’s Sovereignty Through Suffering”

Download (Free) - “No Simple Answers - Acknowledging God’s Sovereignty Through Suffering”


Have you ever asked God why there is suffering and injustice in the world? The Old Testament prophet Habakkuk did just that. Living some 600 years before the birth of Christ, Habakkuk looked on the evil and disobedience of Israel and asked God two questions that many still ask today: why does God tolerate evil and how long will it continue unpunished? God’s answer to Habakkuk shocked the prophet, but Habakkuk responded with awe and wonder in the face of the all-powerful and all-knowing God. In this series from the Book of Habakkuk, Alistair Begg reminds us that these verses, like all of the Bible, are beneficial to us. As we face our own difficult questions about the evil, chaos, disease, and sin in the world around us, the book of Habakkuk teaches us that the ways of God are not simple. He is still powerfully in control, and while we might not understand His answers, He always acts to accomplish His eternal and perfect purposes.

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