We count it a privilege to add our voices to the vast company giving thanks to God for the life and ministry of Billy Graham. His passion to see unbelieving people become the committed followers of the Lord Jesus was an example to us all. His confidence in the authority and sufficiency of Scripture encouraged all who preach to remind our listeners that this is what “The Bible Says.”
Billy Graham’s faithfulness to his wife and children bears fruit today, and his personal integrity serves as a model for all to emulate. Above all, his humility, grounded in grace, left us in no doubt that he was keenly aware of the fact that while one can plant and another water, only God can make it grow. May the fragrance of his memory cause us to “get up out of our seats” and share the Gospel with a desire, akin to that of Billy Graham and the apostle Paul, to win as many as possible.
- Alistair Begg