Thank you for your support in 2015.
Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel!
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Read Alistair Begg's Letter for the New Year
“I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said, “O my lord, what shall be the outcome of these things?” He said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end.” – Daniel 12:8-9
Dear Friend,
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Merry Christmas from Alistair and Susan Begg
From Alistair and Susan Begg with granddaughters Maggie, Romy, Leona, and Matilda.
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Read Alistair Begg's November 2015 Letter
Dear Friend,
Here at Parkside, we’ve been studying the book of Daniel and paying particular attention to the lesson of God’s sovereignty over earthly kingdoms.
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Read Alistair Begg's October Letter
Dear Friend,
Do you have a friend or family member who, you are beginning to think, is beyond the reach of the Gospel? Consider Saul of Tarsus!
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Read Alistair Begg's September 2015 Letter
Dear Friend,
One of William Cowper’s lesser-known hymns is a favorite of mine. It deserves to be sung far more often than it is. It is a refreshingly honest lyric on the subject of prayer. The opening line addresses the well-known fact that distractions abound whenever we set about to pray.
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Read Alistair Begg's August 2015 Letter
Read Alistair Begg's July 2015 Letter
Dear Friend,
Here at Parkside, we’re nearing the end of a series of studies in 2 Timothy. In the closing verses, Paul makes a heartfelt appeal for Timothy to come and visit him in person, and to come soon. Imprisoned in Rome, anticipating the end of his earthly life, and deserted by Demas, it’s not difficult to imagine Paul’s loneliness and his longing to see a cherished and trusted friend face to face.
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Read Alistair Begg's June 2015 Letter
Dear Friend,
Nehemiah is one of my favorite Old Testament characters. Humble before God yet bold in his leadership, he encouraged each person to play his part to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. In Nehemiah, chapter 3, we’re presented with a long list of names of those who worked on the project. They are mainly unknown to us, nonetheless, they played a vital role in the accomplishment of this extraordinary construction effort in Jerusalem.
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