Sermons on Serving
As Christians, we are called to serve; Christ has equipped us each with gifts, and it’s our responsibility, privilege, and joy to use them for His kingdom. In these selected sermons, Alistair Begg reviews how to serve others in leadership, family life, and within our communities.
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Video: “His Craft and Power Are Great” by Alistair Begg
King Saul had rejected God’s word, choosing instead to believe the devil’s lies and act in accord with the spirit of the antichrist. In his paranoid state, he accused his men of disloyalty, then ordered Ahimelech and his fellow priests to be murdered. Meanwhile, David and his small company were protected as they hid among Saul’s enemies and moved as the Spirit directed. As Alistair Begg points out, God alone kept David safe from harm—a protection that is also ours when we run to Jesus for spiritual refuge.
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Video: “How Crazy Is This!” by Alistair Begg
How should we respond when God’s providence seems to contradict His promises? Afraid for his life, David ran from King Saul into Philistine territory, where he was recognized by the king of Gath’s servants. In a deliberate act of faith, David feigned insanity and trusted God with the outcome. His escape, explains Alistair Begg, rested not in his own ingenuity but in the Lord’s deliverance—the same deliverance that is available to all who flee to God for refuge.
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Sermons on the Sufficiency of the Bible
We know what we know about God only because He has chosen to reveal it to us—and the primary means of this revelation is the Bible. Scripture accomplishes its work in our lives as we trust in its authority as the inspired Word of God. In this selection of sermons, Alistair Begg exhorts Christians to hold tightly to the Bible’s sufficiency for salvation, transformation, and proclamation.
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Video: “All One in Christ Jesus” by Alistair Begg
It’s vital for us to live in relationship with one another. So what can account for ongoing division and inequality? Before we were united with Christ, we were helpless and hopeless, alienated from God and living in hostility toward others. As Alistair Begg explains, while efforts like legislation and education are worthwhile, they can’t change our natural condition. Only in the person of Jesus Christ can we be reconciled to God and transformed to live in unity as He designed.
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Video: “What God Requires” by Alistair Begg
How can we account for the absence of harmony in our world? When sin separated us from God, our relationship with our fellow man was also broken. But there is hope! As Alistair Begg explains, God calls His people to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before Him. Attempted without the Gospel or in place of the Gospel, such a call leads to despair—but in Jesus, God has provided its perfect fulfillment on our behalf.
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Video: “Pentecost” by Alistair Begg
God’s kingdom, which Jesus ushered in, will be finally and universally established at His return. In the meantime, Christ sent His Spirit to enable followers to understand and proclaim the Gospel. Alistair Begg explains how Pentecost was an unmistakable, unconditional, unavoidable, and unrepeatable event. Language and cultural barriers were supernaturally broken down, and many received God’s word and were baptized. God’s unifying Spirit continues to draw believers together under Christ as they trust Him as Savior.
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Video: “The Incomparable Christ — Part Four” by Alistair Begg
Since the beginning, man has been rebellious. By nature, instead of trusting God’s wisdom and goodness, we assert our right to rule over our own lives. By grace, though, God established Jesus as the ultimate King to subdue us to Himself, to defend and keep us, and to conquer our enemies. Alistair Begg teaches that by submitting to His reign, ordinary people like us are welcomed into an eternal community where harmony and intimacy will be restored. Will we accept God’s invitation?
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Video: “The Incomparable Christ — Part Three” by Alistair Begg
By His death, Jesus became the ultimate scapegoat to bear all sin, the ultimate sacrifice to endure God’s wrath, and the ultimate High Priest to secure eternal forgiveness. Christ’s finished work—once for all, for all time—ensured salvation for believers. As our Priest, though, He also continues to intercede for us before God. Turning our focus from self-effort to Jesus, Alistair Begg explains how the cross deals with our failures, fears, and final judgment.
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Video: “The Incomparable Christ — Part Two” by Alistair Begg
As the ordained mediator between God and man, Jesus fulfills the three offices of Prophet, Priest, and King. Focusing on Christ’s prophetic role, Alistair Begg explains its significance for personal faith, biblical preaching, and everyday evangelism. By nature, we reject God and His salvation. Jesus alone can open our hearts and minds so that we truly understand God’s Word. Only then can we confidently, courageously, and compassionately convey the Gospel to a lost, darkened world.
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