Video: “The Flea Flees” by Alistair Begg
After sparing Saul’s life a second time, David allowed fear to overturn his confidence in God’s protection. Rather than seeking refuge in the Lord, he escaped into enemy territory and out of Saul’s reach. His success was short-lived, however, as his lies to Achish, king of Gath, soon led to trouble. As Alistair Begg notes, David’s duplicitous activity reminds us that all men are fallible. We must keep our gaze fixed on Jesus, the one true King, in whom there is no deceit.
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Sermons about the Glory of God
Many have tried to define the glory of God. The Bible often describes it as a light far brighter than anything seen on earth. But what does that mean for us as Christians? In this selection of sermons, Alistair Begg examines what the Bible says about the glory of the Lord, reminding us that we are to give Him the glory He is due.
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Video: “David Spares Saul Again” by Alistair Begg
After Saul yet again moved against him, David infiltrated the king’s camp and found him sleeping and helpless. But David was a man of conviction, not convenience; instead of slaying his enemy, he spared Saul’s life for a second time. As Alistair Begg reminds us, though, David’s faithfulness would eventually crumble in the face of temptation. Only Jesus fulfills all righteousness, which He imparts to all who place their trust in Him.
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Video: “Restraining Grace” by Alistair Begg
After protecting men in the wilderness that were not his own, David sent word to their master, Nabal, asking for provisions. Nabal, however, spurned David’s kindness and repaid evil for good. While David planned to avenge himself through bloodshed, God’s unseen hand was at work to prevent him from sinning. As Alistair Begg explains, the timely intervention of Nabal’s wife, Abigail, illustrates God’s restraining grace. Like David, we can rejoice and bless God for His providential grace in our lives.
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Video: “Who Does David Think He Is!” by Alistair Begg
Life may seem like a series of disconnected events, but behind the scenes, God is always working out His plan. When David made a reasonable request of a wealthy man named Nabal, he received a dismissive, selfish response. Enraged, David prepared to avenge himself, but the Lord intervened by means of a timely report from an unnamed young man. Examining God’s sovereign care through this incident’s characters and circumstances, Alistair Begg assures us that believers remain safe in the Father’s arms.
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Sermons on Self-Control
While many aspire to practice good self-control, if we’re honest, our efforts often fall short. In these messages, Alistair Begg explores the need for self-control and the means of attaining it as we seek to live lives pleasing to our Lord. We’re reminded that the Christian life frees us to enjoy genuine joy, peace, and freedom.
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Video: “Leaving Matters with God” by Alistair Begg
David’s path to the throne certainly wasn’t a straight line! Nonetheless, he resisted the temptation to grab for himself what God alone could give. Rather than kill Saul when he was within reach and caught unawares, David cut off only a piece of the king’s robe as evidence. Alistair Begg explains how this gesture honored the Lord and appeared to soften Saul’s heart. When life’s path doesn’t seem to make sense, we, like David, can trust God to order all our ways.
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Video: “A Story of Deliverance” by Alistair Begg
In difficult times, those who seek God’s refuge enjoy His favor and protection. With sin-distorted thinking, Saul was fixated on eliminating the anointed king, but David sought the Lord and was rescued from fear and his enemies. Examining four stories of deliverance, Alistair Begg reminds us that while following Jesus entails challenges and suffering, we can be confident that He is beside us, giving us strength to endure, keeping us safe on the journey, and ultimately delivering us.
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Sermons on Friendship
Many of us yearn for the joy that comes from lifelong friendship. But what are the qualities of a true friend? In this selection of sermons, Alistair Begg explains the attributes that characterize godly friendship and points us to the perfect Friend and Savior, Jesus Christ.
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Video: “A Timely Prayer” by Alistair Begg
Amidst political agitation and social disintegration, what is the church called to do? This is not a time to sound retreat, but reveille, teaches Alistair Begg as he examines the early church’s response to persecution. Rather than seek protection or deliverance, the disciples prayed for Spirit-filled, Christ-centered boldness to continue to speak God’s word. As cultures and empires rise and fall, God still emboldens His people to proclaim the Gospel to a lost, destabilized world.
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