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Blog Sermons on the Sufficiency of the Bible

Sermons on the Sufficiency of the Bible


We know what we know about God only because He has chosen to reveal it to us—and the primary means of this revelation is the Bible. Scripture accomplishes its work in our lives as we trust in its authority as the inspired Word of God. In this selection of sermons, Alistair Begg exhorts Christians to hold tightly to the Bible’s sufficiency for salvation, transformation, and proclamation.

Not One Jot or Tittle (2 Timothy 3:14-17, Matthew 5:18) — Listen | Download MP3

In a collapsing culture, we’re largely left to find our own explanations for life’s meaning and value. By contrast, Jesus and the apostles endorsed the authority and infallibility of Scripture—and their conviction was borne out in their everyday lives. Affirming that the Bible is absolutely trustworthy, divinely inspired, and entirely sufficient for fulfilling ministry, Alistair Begg challenges us to serve future generations by fearlessly proclaiming, applying, living, and loving God’s Word.

Let the Lion Out (2 Timothy 4:1-5) — Listen | Download MP3

In starting a new job, it’s important to recognize the tasks, challenges, and requirements for the position. Likewise, as Timothy prepared to preach the Gospel, Paul counseled him on what was needed for his task. Reviewing Paul’s instructions, Alistair Begg teaches today’s pastors to share Paul’s objective—reliance on the Word of God to accomplish God’s work by His Spirit. As the Word is preached, pastors should look to biblical truths, patiently teaching while God opens blind eyes and softens hard hearts.

Loyal Community (Revelation 2:12-29) Listen | Download MP3

In every local church, some members are loyal to Christ and growing in grace while others mix their faith with non-biblical teachings. The first century churches at Pergamum and Thyatira were no exception, and when Jesus wrote to these believers in Revelation 2, His words “I know you” contained both praise and warning. In this message, Alistair Begg explains how we can apply these principles in our lives today, avoiding moral compromise and affirming the authority of God’s Word.

Crisis in the Church (Acts 24:22-27) Listen | Download MP3

The modern church is in the midst of a crisis: we exalt personality above character, produce entertainment rather than worship, and “tell stories” instead of preaching God’s Word. All three of these issues are symptoms of a greater confusion surrounding theology and its application. Alistair Begg challenges us to resolve this crisis by uniting the Biblical text with a clear-eyed view of the culture—that is, to seek and proclaim truth for life.

The Sufficiency of Scripture (Psalm 19:7-11)Listen | Download MP3

We know how essential Bible reading is to the Christian faith. But do we know how to apply it? As Alistair Begg demonstrates, the Bible’s message is not only relevant, but also trustworthy, enlightening, rewarding, and sufficient to convert or revive our souls. By reading it, we come to know the mind and will of God. Do our lives display the importance we place on God’s Word?

More Sermons on the Sufficiency of the Bible

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