Video: "Terms of Endearment" by Alistair Begg
Writing from a Roman prison cell, Paul urged Philemon and his runaway slave Onesimus to be reconciled. Paul wrote with thankfulness and joy because he had been encouraged by stories of Philemon’s faith in Jesus as evidenced by his love for others. Alistair Begg teaches that genuine shared faith in Christ is so deep and transformative that it becomes impossible to remain selfish or unforgiving. (Philemon 1-7)
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Video: "Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit of God" by Alistair Begg
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit indicates that a person has been sealed, forgiven, and redeemed in Christ, and because of this great work, Christians should not grieve the Holy Spirit. Alistair Begg emphasizes the importance of forsaking unrighteousness and, instead, emulating Christ in His kindness and forgiveness. Because Christ saved us from sin to do good works, the Christian Church should to be overflowing with kindness toward each another and toward the world. (Scripture: Ephesians 4:29-32)
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Video: "In Christ Alone" By Alistair Begg
Becoming a Christian involves a radical transformation: the ties that bind us to the sin of Adam are broken, and we are made alive in Christ Jesus. Alistair Begg explains that it is incongruous for those who have embraced Christ in His glory to live as though they do not know Him. As we war against the world, the flesh, and the devil, we need a constant reminder that God has united us with Christ and is renewing us day by day. (Scripture: Ephesians 4:20-24)
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Video: "Saying 'No' to the Old Life" by Alistair Begg
God’s plan for the Church is that His people would grow to resemble the Lord Jesus, and He has given gifts to the Church to move us toward unity and maturity. Alistair Begg explains that every believer in Christ has undergone a radical transformation from death to life. As the culture in which we live is increasingly marked by foolishness and godlessness, the Church should demonstrate behavior that attests to the faith we profess.
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Video: "Time To Grow Up" By: Alistair Begg
How important is it for believers to be involved in a local church? Teaching from Ephesians 4, Alistair Begg shows that it is the only way to grow to Christian maturity. We develop a stable understanding of doctrine and grow in Christlikeness as we hear God speak through faithful preaching. The unique, supernatural nature of our fellowship shines forth when everyone joins in for effective Gospel ministry.
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Video: "Pastors and Teachers" by Alistair Begg
If the Bible is the rudder that guides us through the sea of life, whose hand helps to steer it, especially with regard to the local church? Ephesians 4:12-13 addresses the role of the pastor-teacher as given by Christ for the equipping of the saints. Alistair Begg discusses the ministry and the works of service that flow from it, as well as the unity maintained and attained among believers. When our lives are brought under the teaching of the Word, we can effectively do the work God has set before us, individually and as a church.
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Video: "Gifts of the Ascended Lord" by Alistair Begg
In Ephesians 4, Paul expressed the diversity of the body of Christ listing different gifts that God has given to His followers. In this message, Alistair Begg defines the gifts of apostles, prophets, and evangelists explaining the role of these individuals in laying the foundation of the Church. Each of the gifts Paul mentioned in these verses is involved with teaching the Word of God, and it is vital to understand that neither individuals nor churches can expect to grow in spiritual maturity apart from regularly hearing the expositional preaching and teaching of God's Word.
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Easter 2017 Video: "It Is I Myself" By Alistair Begg
If Jesus walked among us today, would we recognize Him? Luke 24 tells of two of Christ’s followers who did not know Him when He appeared to them after His resurrection. Jesus confronted their doubt and sadness the same way He addresses ours today– with His Word. Exhibiting the evidence of the empty tomb, Alistair Begg explains that if we are going to understand Jesus, we must do so in light of Scripture. Christ conquered death on our behalf, and when we place our faith in Him, we have hope even in the face of our own mortality.
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Video: "Make Me Understand It!" by Alistair Begg
Psalm 22 describes suffering that King David experienced at the hands of his enemies and the anguish that he felt when it seemed that God was far away. Alistair Begg considers the Psalm in light of its ultimate fulfillment in the Lord Jesus, who was rejected by men and bore the wrath of God in the place of sinners. It is only by trusting in the substitutionary death of Christ that sinners can enjoy a restored relationship with God, to the praise of His glory.
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Alistair Begg on Anxiety
Alistair Begg spoke at Dallas Theological Seminary on January 25, 2017. The topic was dealing with anxiety and Alistair focused on 1 Peter 5:7, "Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you."
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