Video: "Walk in Love, Part One" by Alistair Begg

As children mature, they often bear an increasing resemblance to their parents. Alistair Begg explains that the Christian life is similar: as believers mature in faith, we should look more and more like our Heavenly Father as we seek to imitate Him. Our Christian lives should be marked by genuine love for others that follows the self-giving pattern of the cross.

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Video: "An Exposition of Psalm 119, Part One" by Alistair Begg

Does it sound unusual to hear someone exclaim that they love the Bible? According to the pattern recorded in Psalm 119, this should be the response of every Christian to the Word of God. Alistair Begg explains that the Bible comes from God to His people, not only for our instruction, but to communicate His love to our hearts. As we meditate on God’s Word, the Spirit of God enables our obedience and transforms us increasingly into the image of Christ. (Listen to Part Two)

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Watch: "An Exposition of Psalm 1, Part One"

The writer of Psalm 1 is clear: the righteous will prosper and the wicked will perish. Since only Jesus has been truly righteous, what does that mean for everyone else? Alistair Begg helps us understand this righteousness is a blessing found in Christ, not an achievement earned on our own. When the truth of this grace captivates our minds, our lives will be conformed to God’s will. (Watch Part Two)

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Watch: "An Exposition of Psalm 1, Part Two"

Psalm 1 tells us that the righteous will prosper, and the wicked will perish, so why do wicked people often appear to be prospering? Alistair Begg explains that while evil doers succeed in this life, they are unprepared to face their death. God has fixed a day of judgment for the unrighteousness of man, and only through faith in the righteousness of Christ will we receive God’s mercy on that day. (Watch Part One)

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Watch: "An Exposition of Psalm 19, Part Two"

God's Word is essential for the Christian Life from beginning to end. Alistair Begg teaches that the Word of God gives life to dead souls, provides wisdom appropriate to our weakness, and spurs us on to purity. In it, we discover warnings to be heeded and promises to be trusted as we look to Jesus, who keeps us secure in His grace and enables our obedience. (Watch Part One)

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Watch: "An Exposition of Psalm 19, Part One"

"Nature is my church" is a popular expression, but is it consistent with what the Bible teaches about God, creation, and ourselves? Alistair Begg explains that although creation is a witness to God's majesty and power that leaves men and women without excuse, only the Word of God can give spiritual life. The Word of God points us to the Son of God and enables us to bow in humility before the works of God.

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Topics: From the Archives

Video: "Advice Well Given" By Alistair Begg

What qualifies advice as being “sound?” What establishes an advisor as “trustworthy?” Drawing on teachings from the Apostle Paul, Alistair Begg suggests there is a great responsibility and privilege in offering advice that goes beyond this life. When we are in the position to meet and influence others where time and eternity intersect, we must be prepared, like Paul, to teach that “to live is Christ.”

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Topics: From the Archives

Video: "Seeing, Caring, Thinking, Praying" by Alistair Begg

It's easy for local congregations to become comfortable and allow our outreach to neighbors and friends to wane, but our Lord demonstrated a pattern of passionate commitment to spread the good news of the kingdom of God. In this message, Alistair Begg explains what it means to take our responsibility to share the Gospel seriously. Jesus’ priorities are reflected in our lives when we see those around us clearly, care deeply, think properly, and pray fervently. (Matthew 9:35-38)

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Topics: From the Archives

Video: "Refresh My Heart" by Alistair Begg

When we are redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, we enjoy a familial bond with other Christians that cannot be severed. Because of their shared faith, Paul pleaded with Philemon to forgive and welcome back his runaway slave Onesimus. Forgiveness and reconciliation can feel overwhelming, but Alistair Begg reassures us that by God’s grace we are enabled to do what He calls us to do, even when it seems humanly impossible. (Philemon 17-25)

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Topics: From the Archives

Video: "On the Basis of Love" by Alistair Begg

Paul had the apostolic authority to demand reconciliation between Philemon and his runaway slave Onesimus. Instead,he appealed to them on the basis of love. Alistair Begg emphasizes that love is foundational in our service to Christ and our responses to each other. Just as Paul encouraged Philemon to welcome Onesimus’ return as a brother, our relationships should be radically transformed by Christ. (Philemon 8:16)

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